Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
12:37:31WORKER | beeeslove dmsqueek =]
12:37:37scrumptious. FDAi hate it
12:37:39iansirits a genius map
12:37:46Anthony Gaspipe Casono offense ian
12:37:48Anthony Gaspipe Casobut its not genius
12:37:49WORKER | beeeshopefully I get to engi this map
12:37:49scrumptious. FDAi don't like quad knock back
12:37:52Anthony Gaspipe Casobeen done for about 10 years
12:37:54Anthony Gaspipe Casolol,
12:37:58Anthony Gaspipe Caso<3
12:38:00iansirteh LUA he scripted is though
12:38:03Anthony Gaspipe Casoya
12:38:07Anthony Gaspipe Casothey have mge mods
12:38:12WORKER | beees!teams
12:38:12Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:38:12Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:38:15Anthony Gaspipe Casoi know what u mean tho
12:38:15iansiri played ass_dm back in the day with the rest of em
12:38:17WORKER | beeesdamnit one :(
12:38:25Anthony Gaspipe Caso@teams
12:38:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:38:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:38:27Anthony Gaspipe Casosigh
12:38:35WORKER | beeesneed @oldteams cmd
12:38:47Anthony Gaspipe Caso: iansir & Sabbath & ljfe & biggestOJ ] [ Team 2: beeees & vinnytheboss & barrie_fail & FDA
12:38:50WORKER | beees!last
12:38:56Anthony Gaspipe Casohmm
12:38:59Anthony Gaspipe Casoi guess me and sab again
12:39:02Console^Last round's score:^0 6 ^on^0 ff_bleepbloop_b3
12:39:03WORKER | beeeshadez subbing sab?
12:39:10Anthony Gaspipe Casono
12:39:15Anthony Gaspipe Casois he?
12:39:21WORKER | beeesdunno I don't see him :X
12:39:27Console^Admin:^0 vinnytheboss
12:39:31WORKER | beeesljfe old player?
12:39:37iansiroldshool euro
12:39:37barbara waltersdamn clean rips
12:39:42WORKER | beeesah
12:39:44Anthony Gaspipe Casowhere is sab
12:39:44ljfei'm usa
12:39:45barbara waltersyo bradda
12:39:50WORKER | beeesfeel like I've seen your name in quake before
12:39:55ljfei have played QL
12:39:56iansiri thougth you were sweedish lmao
12:40:03WORKER | beeesoh
12:40:07WORKER | beeesnvm I was thinking of l1nkje
12:40:39Anthony Gaspipe Casoman another reason i love this map
12:40:40WORKER | beeeswhere's the saboteur
12:40:41Anthony Gaspipe Caso400 fps
12:40:43Anthony Gaspipe Casoconstant
12:40:45Anthony Gaspipe Casonever dips
12:41:02ljfei'm trying 30 fps
12:41:05WORKER | beeeswhy
12:41:14ljfepc scks
12:41:16ljfewant somethign constant
12:41:39Anthony Gaspipe Casosorry
12:41:43Anthony Gaspipe Casonot sure what is going on with sab
12:41:53WORKER | beeesI preferred squeekdm ;P
12:42:08Anthony Gaspipe Casosab otw
12:42:13Anthony Gaspipe Casook
12:42:50WORKER | beeesget in there
12:43:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:43:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:43:10Anthony Gaspipe Caso: iansir & Sabbath & ljfe & biggestOJ ] [ Team 2: beeees & vinnytheboss & barrie_fail & FDA
12:43:13Anthony Gaspipe Casolol
12:43:27Anthony Gaspipe Caso@teams
12:43:27Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:43:27Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:43:29Anthony Gaspipe Caso: iansir & Sabbath & ljfe & biggestOJ ] [ Team 2: beeees & vinnytheboss & barrie_fail & FDA
12:43:36barbara waltershow the fuck am i getting picked
12:43:37Anthony Gaspipe Casofda and ian
12:43:37barbara waltersfirst
12:43:43Anthony Gaspipe Caso@teams
12:43:43Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ Beton ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:43:43Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
12:43:45Anthony Gaspipe Caso: iansir & Sabbath & ljfe & biggestOJ ] [ Team 2: beeees & vinnytheboss & barrie_fail & FDA
12:43:53Anthony Gaspipe Casolife
12:44:06Anthony Gaspipe Casored
12:44:17SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 0 - 0
12:44:57Anthony Gaspipe Casook we ready
12:45:02Anthony Gaspipe Casojust making sure life ready
12:45:15Sabbatheveryone go for buddon
12:47:23ljfemy kills bro
12:52:28barbara waltersyo
13:00:23Anthony Gaspipe Casowonderful game
13:00:24WORKER | beeesgg
13:00:25Sabbathbad 71 50
13:00:26Anthony Gaspipe Casono really.