Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:36:05WORKER | beeesprime with most gun kills
21:36:10WORKER | beeestrying to sab my gun, you bastard :P
21:36:18Prime-trying i couldn't get it
21:36:26barbara waltersprime mvp
21:36:29WORKER | beeesI was like,
21:36:33Sabbathzex hw prime demo
21:36:35Sabbathalex ng
21:36:47WORKER | beeeskorey :D
21:37:05WORKER | beeesFU
21:37:08BOSS | aleXtric^715 seconds left of prematch!
21:37:10WORKER | beeeseat rails :{
21:37:17WORKER | beeesnot you korey
21:37:17BOSS | aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
21:37:36Console^Last round's score:^0 5 ^on^0 ff_siden_b2
21:37:43koreyno prroblem
21:38:23BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 59 50
21:39:48zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^428^5 | ^317^2] @
21:40:12zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^44^5 | ^3106^2] @
21:40:16zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^41^5 | ^3106^2] @
21:45:00zexel?TOSSED ^2[^484^5 | ^3240^2] @
21:46:09l3uml2usH^HeLLBADABING [3.24]
21:46:21not playingwhoa nice timing
21:47:18zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^463^5 | ^3220^2] @
21:48:39BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 40 45
21:50:20barbara walters30 6
21:50:24barbara walters23 0
21:50:38barbara walters46 53
21:50:39barbara walters48 53
21:50:43barbara waltersHOW IS OJ SO GOOD? - vinnytheboss
21:51:08BOSS | aleXtric!TEAMS
21:51:08Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ biggestOJ ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ beeees
21:51:08Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ zexel ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ aleXtric
21:51:31barbara walters21 27
21:51:46zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^421^5 | ^351^2] @
21:51:47l3uml2usH^HeLLHEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [8.0]
21:52:07WORKER | beeesstray shot lmao
21:52:44barbara walters21 14
21:52:50WORKER | beeesaww gg