Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:11:07ojneon u want to play
00:11:19NeoNLightliek i siad
00:11:19onE1 - 25
00:11:21NeoNLightworking on something
00:12:51onEi have a player mdl middle of the maps since the patch
00:13:08barrie.InCstoeptegel tegen je kuttekop
00:13:11barrie.InCstoeptegel tegen je kuttekop
00:13:13onEsometimes scout waring solly gear and ng hat
00:13:15onEno joke
00:13:23NeoNLightpic or ban
00:13:26onEi will
00:13:30SabbathYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 70 50
00:13:31SabbathYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 70 50
00:13:33onEthats on phantom tho
00:13:34NeoNLightGuys I need 2 jump pads or we're going to lose 1 0
00:13:56onEon this map hes middle yrd...half way pokin up thru ground
00:13:59onEatr waist
00:14:18onEofire hes above bridge
00:14:26onEdavinci man style
00:14:27NeoNLightdid u try depatching and repatching
00:14:29NeoNLightthats weird
00:14:29SabbathCAN I GET A RED CAPT
00:14:46onEoj red
00:14:49scrumptious. FDAthis is fun, i'm having fun
00:14:59NeoNLightfun dinosaur adventure
00:15:09scrumptious. FDAfrisky dingo airship
00:15:23Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ JuiceYJuice
00:15:23Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ bigOJ ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ barrie
00:15:33onEnot i
00:15:41ojsqueek and fda
00:15:42onEneon is subbin for me
00:15:51scrumptious. FDAsab
00:15:53barrie.InCmatt is subbing me
00:15:54BOSS | Vinzoone
00:16:01BOSS | Vinzowhats going on
00:16:02Sabbathnot playing with matt thanks
00:16:02BOSS | Vinzolol
00:16:16scrumptious. FDAoh rofl
00:16:25scrumptious. FDAi though oj wanted me and squeek to capt
00:16:37mattgood joke
00:16:42Sabbathfunny coming from u
00:16:48mattnice shirt
00:16:52Sabbath25 cents
00:16:53Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ JuiceYJuice
00:16:53Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ bigOJ ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ barrie
00:17:04BOSS | Vinzois matt really playing?
00:17:14BOSS | Vinzoah ok
00:17:27BOSS | Vinzohi
00:17:43ojactually juice
00:17:49ojtake the demo spot
00:17:57barrie.InCthats what i tought
00:18:14mattwho is barrie
00:18:18onEadmin fail
00:18:22ojsweet guys
00:18:27NeoNLightmooney's dad
00:18:36ojenjoy this 30 mins
00:28:56BOSS | Vinzohealth bind
00:29:43mattpro tosses
00:30:15BOSS | Vinzorofl
00:33:45SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT -375 - 0
00:33:48BOSS | Vinzooj u shoulud have picked one
00:33:51Sabbathbad 75 50
00:33:54Sabbathbad 75 50