Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:38:46WORKER | beeesstiffy
22:38:51WORKER | beeesmain = main ramp
22:38:55BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetshutup
22:38:59WORKER | beeesbutton = button :(
22:39:02BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetmain=wherever I damn please
22:39:03BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet;C
22:39:05BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet;D
22:39:08WORKER | beees:<
22:39:18ojyou heard the king
22:39:18WORKER | beeesyou even confused yourself the whole time rofl
22:39:31WORKER | beeesMAIN I MEAN MY WAY
22:39:33WORKER | beees;D
22:39:35cynical^HeLLthis map is dumb, gun doesn't go down
22:39:39watterriewho nominated this garbage
22:39:43ojbeeess gun doesnt go down
22:39:44grimacethats why you got to take it down
22:39:44WORKER | beeesit's spy's favorite map
22:39:47watterriei know how to take the gun down now
22:39:49BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetgun goes down
22:39:54grimaceif you had hadez as med it can go down
22:39:55BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetif you know what to do
22:39:56ojwatch how stiff and i rol
22:40:03WORKER | beeesif you had mafiaman it'd go down
22:40:05ojand big beees
22:40:08WORKER | beees4 medics win
22:40:14grimacenah 1 too many ramps
22:40:17grimacefor there not to be ascout
22:40:17cynical^HeLLi guess im not up to par
22:40:28WORKER | beeesno red = all win ;)
22:40:36watterrienext time we play this map ill get banned
22:40:48watterriei still want to know who nominated it
22:40:49WORKER | beeesoh prematch
22:40:52Gangstar in Pumasi did
22:44:20cynical^HeLLim getting raped
22:45:55watterrieplease end this garbage
22:46:04koreythis is stupid
22:46:07grimacelol this map isnt bad they are just complaining
22:46:19watterrieits a terrible map
22:46:29watterrieim not playing it ever again
22:47:03Console^Last round's score:^0 7 ^on^0 ff_resolve_b2
22:47:06ojwe can end at 9
22:47:12watterriewhy waste my time
22:47:27BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetjuice
22:47:28Gangstar in Pumashe has been complaining since 2 minuets in
22:47:28BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetyou here?w
22:47:30Gangstar in Pumasjust ignore him
22:47:46BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetwill you play for me br0?
22:47:57BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetyty
22:47:58BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetty
22:48:00BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetgood sir
22:49:23ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
22:51:46ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
22:54:44grimacedidnt realize u had 2 health
22:55:27ojoj hops
22:55:44ojHOW IS OJ SO GOOD? - vinnytheboss
22:55:51WORKER | beeesg