Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:33:26WORKER | beeessqueek
23:33:29WORKER | beeeshow come you don't medic
23:33:37WORKER | beeesraped my gun all game
23:33:37scrumptious. FDA2gud at scout
23:33:45squeek.because i like scout and this round was the exception not the rule
23:33:56BOSS | koreyive seen him medic
23:33:59cynical^HeLLi coulda done better, rusty at soldier till the end
23:33:59waterSQUEEk stealing all my kills
23:33:59BOSS | koreyhes good at that too lol
23:34:06scrumptious. FDAsqueek always rapes at medic
23:34:15Trailerwhos engy?
23:34:15WORKER | beeestake notes
23:34:22BOSS | koreyo shit he just played medic lol
23:34:28BOSS | koreywait
23:34:34Traileri just dont want to hw or engy
23:34:36BOSS | koreysome 1 demo
23:34:37Trailerother than that idcv
23:34:42cynical^HeLLim gonna go but
23:34:51Trailerhw water
23:34:56Console^Last round's score:^0 9 ^on^0 ff_destroy
23:35:17Trailerneed engy
23:35:24BOSS | koreysqueek
23:35:32cynical^HeLLwhat's goin on here
23:35:37BOSS | koreyaight
23:35:38WORKER | beeeswaiting for red
23:35:40watertring to figure our team out
23:35:40squeek.doing weird classes :)
23:35:46scrumptious. FDAi remember when trailer did more than point n click adventures
23:35:53Trailermixing it up yuo
23:35:57Trailertrying it fd
23:36:02Gangstar in Pumasrs
23:36:03Gangstar in Pumasplease
23:36:08scrumptious. FDAused to solly just as much
23:36:11WORKER | beeesrs
23:36:14waterINCOMING MY WAY 300 100
23:36:25BOSS | koreyassholes
23:36:31WORKER | beeeshe said it early
23:37:04squeek.2 | 0
23:39:34BOSS | korey.
23:43:06BOSS | korey@score
23:43:06Console^Last round's score:^0 9 ^on^0 ff_destroy
23:45:42scrumptious. FDArofl
23:48:46OJHOW IS OJ SO GOOD? - vinnytheboss
23:51:34WORKER | beeesg
23:51:36Console^Last round's score:^0 9 ^on^0 ff_destroy