Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:38:29spoon^HeLLok whos gonna red cpt?
21:38:32BOSS | Vinzo@teams
21:38:33Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spoonlololol ^0&^ hef ^0&^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Oreoman
21:38:33Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ barrie
21:38:51spoon^HeLLspectate plz
21:38:55spoon^HeLLkyle stay blue
21:38:59BOSS | Vinzo@teams
21:38:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spoonlololol ^0&^ hef ^0&^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Oreoman
21:38:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ barrie
21:39:02BOSS | Vinzochef and stiffy
21:39:09BOSS | Vinzobring it on baby
21:39:17Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spoonlololol ^0&^ hef ^0&^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Oreoman
21:39:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ barrie
21:39:31BOSS | Vinzo@teams
21:39:31Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spoonlololol ^0&^ hef ^0&^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Oreoman
21:39:31Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ barrie
21:39:37BOSS | Vinzobarrie
21:39:46BOSS | JesusOnTheInterneti need am in
21:39:51hEHhefhEFHeHFheFHEFHheFHEHFheFirc teams?
21:39:52Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spoonlololol ^0&^ hef ^0&^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Oreoman
21:39:52Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ barrie
21:40:23spoon^HeLLNOT ON MY WATCH 75 50
21:40:36spoon^HeLLkk u niggers rdy?
21:40:40BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetneg
21:40:41BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetalmost
21:41:09spoon^HeLLNOT ON MY WATCH 46 42
21:41:13BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet60 seconds
21:41:29^.^do u really need 60 seconds..
21:42:04spoon^HeLLNOT ON MY WATCH -29 6
21:43:03hEHhefhEFHeHFheFHEFHheFHEHFheF^667 87
21:45:26hEHhefhEFHeHFheFHEFHheFHEHFheF^690 120
21:46:29hEHhefhEFHeHFheFHEFHheFHEHFheF^615 24
21:50:40Large^Gooooooooseknife moves, spoon. Fork you. 1 0
21:52:27^.^ban spy kthx
21:52:32BOSS | Vinzolol
21:52:39BOSS | Vinzoits in the ceiling
21:52:40Large^GooooooooseThis is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^21 Health ^10 Armor
21:52:47BOSS | Vinzolet them try and touch it
21:53:25^.^fuck off stiffy
21:57:19BOSS | Vinzogg
21:57:22BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetgg