Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:59:37WORKER | beees!teams
16:59:37Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
16:59:37Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:00:01ff jukedbox2lazy to type an a
17:00:09WORKER | beeesfail
17:00:12WORKER | beeeshe's not lazy at all
17:00:13WORKER | beeesPOSER
17:00:26waterRIGT NOW
17:00:45BOSS | Sabbath@teams
17:00:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:00:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:00:48BOSS | Sabbathhi plz spec
17:00:49WORKER | beeesthis is how it's done
17:00:52^.^irc teams tbh
17:00:55WORKER | beees!teams
17:00:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:00:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:00:55ff jukedboxlol
17:01:01WORKER | beeesbtw who's notlazy
17:01:06BOSS | Sabbathu guys wanna do irc teams?
17:01:09ff jukedbox@teams
17:01:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:01:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:01:12ff jukedboxnope
17:01:15WORKER | beeeswho's 2lazy?
17:01:21WORKER | beeesoh
17:01:31WORKER | beeescan't keep track of the permanent fakenicks
17:01:35BOSS | Sabbathspec it up then
17:01:53ff jukedbox
17:01:54WORKER | beees!teams
17:01:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:01:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:02:03BOSS | Sabbathspec
17:02:04WORKER | beeesfeat/sab/mnzy
17:02:04^.^whoever is blue wins
17:02:07WORKER | beees2 cpt plz
17:02:08BOSS | Sabbathsomeone red
17:02:13BOSS | Sabbathor u can blue if u want
17:02:14ff jukedboxfeat hf
17:02:25Gangstar in Pumasmooney go red
17:02:27^.^rock paper sissors?
17:02:27BOSS | Sabbathits just a game lets not be difficult
17:02:29ff jukedboxFEAT HF
17:02:36BOSS | Sabbath@teams
17:02:36Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:02:36Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:02:46BOSS | Sabbathmny
17:02:48WORKER | beeesI pick HAT
17:02:58ff jukedboxrock paper scissors lizard spock
17:03:05WORKER | beeeslizard spock
17:03:05watergood show
17:03:15BOSS | Sabbath@teams
17:03:15Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:03:15Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:03:17ff jukedboxILL PLAY REALLLLY BAD
17:03:25waterkaley cuaco = toohot
17:03:26WORKER | beees!teams
17:03:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:03:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:03:28BOSS | Sabbathwater
17:03:35WORKER | beeespick barrehhh
17:03:39WORKER | beeesbarrie vs spy
17:03:41ff jukedboxlargos stop fapping
17:03:43waterINCOMING MY WAY 100 90
17:03:45water100 90 %I
17:03:47WORKER | beeesbarrie better offy :P
17:03:48ff jukedbox^.^ 72 50
17:03:49BOSS | Sabbath@teams
17:03:49Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ barrie_fail
17:03:49Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ toolazy ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ beeees
17:03:51watergoing for gun
17:03:53ff jukedboxAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:72 A:50]
17:03:57BOSS | Sabbathspy
17:03:59WORKER | beeesbarrie
17:04:03WORKER | beeesyou're not the fat kid, grats
17:04:10WORKER | beeesplay this song forever
17:04:14barrie_youfailiraili like being picked last
17:04:22WORKER | beeesfucking mooney
17:04:25WORKER | beees:(
17:04:36WORKER | beeesbarrie swap
17:04:37WORKER | beeeslemme hw
17:04:52ff jukedboxIncoming:
17:05:22ff jukedboxHeal me!! [71 Health - 50 Armor]
17:05:55ff jukedboxHeal me!! [50 Health - 42 Armor]
17:06:21ff jukedboxAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
17:06:54ff jukedboxAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
17:07:43ff jukedbox^4WooHaHa HiHaaar Hoo! Gnah Gnah! Haaaaarghh!!!!!!
17:07:46^.^(Disconnect by user.) 80 50
17:08:02ff jukedboxrofl
17:08:45ff jukedboxgoing spy
17:09:45ff jukedboxAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:90 A:100]
17:10:19Oreomanrofl mnyz
17:12:18ff jukedboxHeal me!! [75 Health - 50 Armor]
17:12:35ff jukedboxHeal me!! [8 Health - 28 Armor]
17:13:10ff jukedboxff jukedbox -1 23
17:13:27ff jukedboxHeal me!! [14 Health - 30 Armor]
17:13:49Large^GooooooooseThis is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^287 Health ^1115 Armor
17:16:42ff jukedboxget out
17:16:44ff jukedboxxd
17:16:52ff jukedboxdont get sec
17:16:55ff jukedboxill toss it out
17:17:28Gangstar in Pumas...
17:17:57ff jukedboxcome fr dont get sec
17:18:00ff jukedboxDONT GET SE
17:18:16ff jukedboxlol
17:18:20Large^Goooooooosewait I msised that
17:18:21Large^Goooooooosewhat happened
17:18:29ff jukedboxidling behidn sec :D