Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
17:31:14BOSS | JesusOnTheInternethi
17:31:16BOSS | Vinzok
17:31:20BOSS | Vinzo@teams
17:31:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:31:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:31:28BOSS | Vinzome and stif i gues
17:31:35WORKER | beees!teams
17:31:35Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:31:35Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:31:40BOSS | JesusOnTheInternety
17:31:41BOSS | Vinzodo u want blue or red stif
17:31:42WORKER | beeesor grim
17:31:47BOSS | Vinzofien grim
17:31:51BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetyeah grim,
17:31:54BOSS | Vinzogo red or blue
17:31:57BOSS | Vinzogrim prolly better
17:32:11BOSS | Vinzohi
17:32:12BOSS | Vinzogrim?
17:32:14BOSS | Vinzostif?
17:32:15BOSS | Vinzoanyone?
17:32:17BOSS | Vinzotrailer?
17:32:22BOSS | Vinzowak plz spec
17:32:24grimacei was on phone
17:32:29BOSS | Vinzok
17:32:34WORKER | beees!teams
17:32:34Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:32:34Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:32:41grimacestiffy red
17:32:42WORKER | beees!teams
17:32:42Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:32:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:32:49grimacedepends on the pool
17:32:55Trailerdrama all day
17:32:58Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:32:58Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:32:59BOSS | Vinzo@teams
17:32:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:32:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:33:06grimaceill do it
17:33:11BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet!teams
17:33:11Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:33:11Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:33:12WORKER | beeeslmao
17:33:15WORKER | beeesyou dick
17:33:17grimacei hate this map
17:33:23grimaceI dont hate it , its aite
17:33:27BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet!teams
17:33:27Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:33:27Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:33:29WORKER | beeesbrb water
17:33:39Trailerim retiring hw
17:33:42Trailertired of being theb est
17:33:48BOSS | Vinzo@teams
17:33:48Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:33:48Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:34:04BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet!teams
17:34:04Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:34:04Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:34:16Oreomangrim here means i dont gotta demo right lol
17:34:27grimaceu can demo though if uw ant
17:34:30BOSS | Vinzoim gonna be playin sol
17:34:39BOSS | Vinzocan u heavy
17:34:40BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetbees
17:34:41BOSS | Vinzooreo
17:34:42BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet!teams
17:34:42Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ thisisspybish ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ Oreoman ^0&^ wak
17:34:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grimace
17:34:43OreomanI CAN
17:34:45BOSS | Vinzok good
17:34:52BOSS | Vinzowak
17:35:11BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetOH
17:35:14WORKER | beeesback
17:35:19WORKER | beeesI'm red?
17:35:33Gangstar in Pumasbees you wanna demo?
17:35:35BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet60 seconds
17:35:37WORKER | beeesnoooo
17:35:39WORKER | beeesI can't demo haha
17:35:39Traileri will
17:35:42BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetafter this add and 5 hour energy
17:35:43Gangstar in Pumaslol
17:35:44BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetkicks in
17:35:47Gangstar in Pumasnaww i wanna tehn
17:35:48Trailerbest player in ff
17:35:48BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetits on dick van winkle
17:35:51BOSS | Vinzowow lol
17:35:53WORKER | beeeswe just had this discussion broski
17:35:55BOSS | Vinzo5 hour energy
17:35:56Gangstar in Pumasi was just asking bees i dont wanna solly
17:35:57BOSS | Vinzoand adds?
17:35:59BOSS | Vinzour nuts son
17:36:02BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetEXTRA STRENGTH BABY
17:36:04BOSS | Vinzoare u begging for a heart attack?
17:36:06WORKER | beeesyou mean demo?
17:36:12Gangstar in Pumasno
17:36:12BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetthe adds dont work on me like tey used to bro
17:36:13Gangstar in Pumasi do
17:36:17Gangstar in Pumasi was asking if you wanted too
17:36:25WORKER | beeesengi's fine
17:36:26BOSS | JesusOnTheInternettaken a few 5-6 day breaks in the last 2 months
17:36:27WORKER | beeesdo you want engi?
17:36:29BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetbut no more than 3
17:36:30Gangstar in PumasLOL
17:36:32BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetand even with that
17:36:34Gangstar in Pumasit doesnt matter
17:36:41WORKER | beeesI'm just really confused
17:36:43BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetmy body just used to it
17:36:45Gangstar in Pumasi was just giving you a chance
17:36:47Gangstar in Pumasto play demo
17:36:47cynical^HeLLdon't need em
17:36:48WORKER | beeesnaww that's fine bro
17:36:51WORKER | beeesI had my chance today
17:36:52WORKER | beeesit was bad
17:38:49BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 33 | 39
17:38:50BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 33 | 39
17:40:42BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 54 | 71
17:51:52WORKER | beeesgg
17:51:52BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetgg]
17:51:53BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetraped
17:51:55BOSS | Vinzogg