Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:59:36BOSS | JesusOnTheInternet60 seconds
21:59:39WORKER | beeesfeats with the gamesave
21:59:40WORKER | beees!teams
21:59:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ koreyF ^0&^ nine`
21:59:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Oreoman ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ thisisOHJAY ^0&^ squeek
21:59:42WORKER | beees!score
21:59:42Console^Last round's score:^0 5 ^on^0 ff_mortality_gz_b1
21:59:44BOSS | JesusOnTheInterneti failed it up hard
21:59:48BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetgods punishing me
21:59:51BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetfor hurting korey
21:59:53^.^i was just fucking around with oj in batts
21:59:55BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetand upsetting him
21:59:57WORKER | beeeswhat did you do to korey
22:00:02BOSS | JesusOnTheInternethe left
22:00:05BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetand subbed out
22:00:10BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetafter I was using him
22:00:14ninebut he said he was short on time maybe that was why
22:00:15barrie_gofuckyourselfhe does that all the time
22:00:17BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetto try and ryhme and reason
22:00:58BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 25 | 2
22:04:54^.^howd i grab it
22:05:12OJ100 200
22:11:28BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 70 | 180
22:11:36^.^wow block me when not looking more lol
22:11:55BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 70 | 180
22:13:20BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 53 | 162
22:15:05WORKER | beeesns
22:15:37BOSS | JesusOnTheInternety
22:15:38WORKER | beeesgg
22:15:38BOSS | JesusOnTheInternetgg