Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:13:49LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMemy sisters husband
16:13:56LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeor more like pretty much x husband is here
16:14:00LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMesaying bye to ihm
16:14:06BOSS | Vinzothen transfer it
16:14:16LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMethen theres no need too
16:14:19LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI didnt unhold it
16:14:34LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMenot my fault
16:14:36LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMe60 seconds
16:14:54LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMe!teams
16:14:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ lope ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
16:14:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Blaine ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ CrunK
16:15:09BluePIPES_Get It?no
16:15:10LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMechangeofpace---prop----bleep?
16:15:12LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegood maps?
16:15:22BOSS | Vinzosqueek needs to be able to lock map
16:15:25tooLAZYactually idc just pick teams
16:15:39BOSS | Vinzo@teams
16:15:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ lope ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
16:15:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Blaine ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ CrunK
16:15:41LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMevinny
16:15:42LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeand
16:15:43LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegherrie
16:15:52BOSS | Vinzo@teams
16:15:52Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ lope ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
16:15:52Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Blaine ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ CrunK
16:16:04BluePIPES_Get It?*brake?
16:16:10BluePIPES_Get It?I can brake this automobile too
16:16:13BluePIPES_Get It?and brake your heart
16:16:20BluePIPES_Get It?yup
16:16:22BluePIPES_Get It?he went there, folks
16:16:23tooLAZYred captain
16:16:32BluePIPES_Get It?bacon pancakes
16:16:36BluePIPES_Get It?makin bacon pancakes
16:16:41Blaine_send me some
16:17:00BOSS | Vinzoadmin waiTING ON GERRIE
16:17:05BluePIPES_Get It?gerrie is here
16:17:08BluePIPES_Get It?he's aliased
16:17:10BluePIPES_Get It?WHO COULD IT BE?
16:17:14BluePIPES_Get It?dun dun dunnnnnnnnn
16:17:15BOSS | Vinzonope
16:17:27BluePIPES_Get It?ok, let's just pick fair teams
16:17:30BOSS | Vinzowaiting on gerrie to join red or blue
16:17:43BOSS | Vinzothats gerrie
16:17:45BOSS | Vinzoofficery jenny
16:17:54Officer Jennystill not done?
16:17:59BluePIPES_Get It?you're cap
16:18:00Officer Jenny@teams
16:18:00Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ lope ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
16:18:00Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Blaine ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ CrunK
16:18:02Officer Jenny..
16:18:04BluePIPES_Get It?the journey continues
16:18:10BOSS | Vinzo@teams
16:18:10Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ lope ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
16:18:10Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Blaine ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ CrunK
16:18:17Officer Jennymja
16:18:23Officer Jennylargos water
16:18:24Officer Jennyidk
16:18:26BOSS | Vinzo@teams
16:18:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ lope ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
16:18:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Blaine ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ CrunK
16:18:35BluePIPES_Get It?ok
16:18:39BOSS | Vinzocrunk
16:18:49Officer Jenny@teams
16:18:49Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ lope ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
16:18:49Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Blaine ^0&^ gerrie ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ CrunK
16:18:50Officer Jennylope
16:18:57BluePIPES_Get It?lope's playing?
16:19:00BluePIPES_Get It?nicee
16:19:30BOSS | Vinzohi
16:19:32BOSS | Vinzodont make me be soly
16:19:33BluePIPES_Get It?loope
16:19:33BOSS | Vinzoplease blue
16:19:36BluePIPES_Get It?read
16:19:37BluePIPES_Get It?red
16:19:39BluePIPES_Get It?yay
16:19:47Officer JennySTFU
16:19:47Officer JennyNOW
16:19:56LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMe60 seconds
16:20:01Officer Jennywhatever u want lope
16:20:13Officer Jennyrdy
16:20:18Officer JennyHeal me!! [100 Health - 300 Armor]
16:20:24Blaine_med or scout?
16:20:26Officer JennyNegative / NO / Bite me [H:88 A:254]
16:20:29Officer Jenny^4WooHaHa HiHaaar Hoo! Gnah Gnah! Haaaaarghh!!!!!!
16:21:31Officer JennyIncoming:
16:22:14Officer JennyHeal me!! [6 Health - 0 Armor]
16:23:05Officer JennyHeal me!! [41 Health - 72 Armor]
16:23:20Blaine_fuck u largo
16:23:21Officer JennyHeal me!! [11 Health - 3 Armor]
16:23:25Officer JennyHeal me!! [11 Health - 3 Armor]
16:23:42Officer JennyHeal me!! [22 Health - 108 Armor]
16:23:52Officer JennyIncoming:
16:24:33Officer JennyHeal me!! [47 Health - 159 Armor]
16:24:34Officer JennyHeal me!! [26 Health - 159 Armor]
16:24:36Officer JennyHeal me!! [100 Health - 300 Armor]
16:25:16Officer JennyHeal me!! [38 Health - 58 Armor]
16:25:24Officer JennyHeal me!! [35 Health - 44 Armor]
16:25:28Officer JennyHeal me!! [35 Health - 44 Armor]
16:25:48Officer JennyHeal me!! [6 Health - 136 Armor]
16:26:45Officer JennyHeal me!! [16 Health - 138 Armor]
16:27:04Officer JennyIncoming:
16:27:17Officer JennyIncoming:
16:27:39Officer JennyHeal me!! [9 Health - 262 Armor]
16:27:40Officer Jennyshoot me
16:28:18Officer JennyIncoming:
16:28:21Officer JennyHeal me!! [24 Health - 120 Armor]
16:29:39Officer JennyIncoming:
16:29:48Officer JennyHeal me!! [28 Health - 83 Armor]
16:30:22Officer Jennylope stop chasing pls
16:30:31Officer JennyHeal me!! [17 Health - 97 Armor]
16:31:25Officer JennyIncoming:
16:31:26Officer JennyIncoming:
16:31:46Officer JennyHeal me!! [64 Health - 135 Armor]
16:31:55Officer JennyHeal me!! [22 Health - 33 Armor]
16:32:06Officer JennyIncoming:
16:32:29Officer JennyIncoming:
16:32:39Officer JennyHeal me!! [-6 Health - 0 Armor]
16:33:26Officer JennyIncoming:
16:34:23BOSS | Vinzohealth bind
16:35:21Officer JennyHeal me!! [35 Health - 44 Armor]
16:35:49BOSS | VinzoGG
16:35:50BluePIPES_Get It?gg