Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:30:47`TOOOLAZYgonna go watcha tv show real quick whil every one decides to show
00:31:37BOSS | Vinzo@teams
00:31:37Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ BIGOJ
00:31:37Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
00:32:00BOSS | Vinzotook a shot of some left over goose from AC
00:32:01Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ BIGOJ
00:32:01Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
00:32:12BOSS | aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
00:32:28BOSS | aleXtrici intentionally didnt get paid today so that i wouldnt go blow it all at the bar
00:32:33maddathBANG! -239 0 BANG!
00:32:36maddathtu dumb -239 0
00:32:36BOSS | aleXtricno self control
00:32:37maddathBANG! -239 0 BANG!
00:32:38maddathtu dumb -239 0
00:32:39maddathBANG! -239 0 BANG!
00:32:40maddathtu dumb -239 0
00:32:51maddath6 ppl in here
00:32:52maddathout of 8
00:32:55maddathand its been almost 5 mins
00:33:02BOSS | aleXtricadmin JOIN FAGGOTS
00:33:03BOSS | aleXtric!teams
00:33:03Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ BIGOJ
00:33:03Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
00:33:07BOSS | Vinzostiffy is one
00:33:08BOSS | Vinzoshocker
00:33:17maddathprolly shaving his girlfriends balls
00:33:24onEstiffy is me?
00:33:26BOSS | Vinzolol
00:33:30BOSS | Vinzoi knew someone would say that
00:33:33BOSS | Vinzona stiffy is late
00:33:34BOSS | aleXtriccalling stiffy
00:33:36onEthats all i seen
00:33:44BOSS | Vinzobrb texting
00:33:45BOSS | Vinzoyea
00:33:46BOSS | Vinzocall him
00:33:47BOSS | Vinzoor text
00:33:51maddathbees here
00:33:52maddathlets pick
00:33:53maddathwithout him
00:33:57Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ BIGOJ
00:33:57Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
00:34:06beees^HeLLyou doing 1-1-1?
00:34:07BOSS | Vinzogimme alex
00:34:10BOSS | aleXtricno answer
00:34:18beees^HeLLand oj?
00:34:21maddathone and bees
00:34:21beees^HeLLor stiffy o.O
00:34:23maddathi want to hw
00:34:30beees^HeLLstill solid picks though
00:34:33BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 81 100
00:34:40BOSS | Vinzohmm
00:34:42BOSS | Vinzogimme oj
00:34:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ BIGOJ
00:34:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
00:35:05maddathstiffy ganna have to ng
00:35:18BOSS | Vinzowater blue
00:35:23beees^HeLLor pick oj
00:35:27BOSS | Vinzoi picked him
00:35:27beees^HeLLoj can solly :P
00:35:30BOSS | Vinzoalready
00:35:40`TOOOLAZYlol chef
00:35:50maddathHI CHEF
00:35:51beees^HeLLchef 2gud at trimps
00:35:53`TOOOLAZYwhy do u even show ur face around here dude
00:35:55beees^HeLLleave him
00:35:58BOSS | Vinzohe can spec
00:35:58beees^HeLLhe hasn't done anything yet
00:36:01BOSS | Vinzoas long as he good
00:36:03BOSS | Vinzoand behaves
00:36:08BOSS | Vinzoi have the ban id ready
00:36:13BOSS | Vinzoso if he fucks aroudn its a wrap
00:36:14maddathtoo late
00:36:18BOSS | Vinzooh ok
00:36:21BOSS | Vinzoits w/e
00:36:23BOSS | Vinzooj blue
00:36:24BOSS | Vinzostiffy red
00:36:25maddathhad it already typed before i said bye
00:36:26BOSS | Vinzowater blue
00:36:27BOSS | Vinzolets go
00:36:28BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 24 0
00:36:28maddathhad to be polite
00:36:33BOSS | aleXtrici though stiffy was red
00:36:35maddathhe is
00:36:38BOSS | Vinzohe is
00:36:46beees^HeLLwater blooooo
00:36:46BOSS | Vinzohi water?
00:36:48BOSS | Vinzoearth to youbro
00:36:51BOSS | Vinzocan u hurry it up
00:36:55BOSS | aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
00:37:14`TOOOLAZYcheeer up dudes
00:37:21maddathstiffy ng or sol your choice
00:37:24BOSS | aleXtric^715 seconds left of prematch!
00:37:25LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegrim ii: dont encourage him 100 | 300
00:37:29beees^HeLLI'll play what you won't, stiffy
00:37:33maddathtu dumb 34 124
00:37:34maddathBANG! 7 76 BANG!
00:37:41maddathPREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
00:37:46`TOOOLAZYrs please
00:37:47BOSS | Vinzobrb doing another shot
00:37:52LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMebrb playing solly
00:37:57LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMewinning the pickup
00:38:10BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 26 11
00:38:53BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 76 79
00:39:08LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 100 | 120
00:39:16maddathMedic! 68|31
00:39:24BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 53 57
00:40:51LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 96 | 172
00:40:53`TOOOLAZYYES 100 90
00:41:32BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
00:41:39BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 16 1
00:42:32maddathMedic! 70|0
00:42:33maddathMedic! 17|0
00:42:34maddathMedic! 17|0
00:42:41BOSS | Vinzofuck that
00:42:42maddathMedic! 2|0
00:42:48maddathMedic! 2|50
00:43:51BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 32 31
00:43:52BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 18 31
00:43:59maddathMedic! 50|23
00:44:22BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 27 18
00:44:46LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 78 | 84
00:45:02maddathBANG! 100 300 BANG!
00:45:47LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 100 | 172
00:46:59`TOOOLAZYyo am i done here?
00:47:22BOSS | Vinzohealth bind
00:47:34BOSS | Vinzohealth bind
00:47:35BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
00:48:11LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 84 | 137
00:48:24BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 18 14
00:48:30BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 19 10
00:48:35LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 65 | 61
00:48:43BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed -15 0
00:48:44maddathMedic! 36|49
00:49:07BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed -42 0
00:50:19BOSS | VinzoSOMEONE
00:50:21BOSS | VinzoGO
00:50:22BOSS | VinzoSCOUT
00:50:47BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed -3 22
00:52:25BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed -3 22
00:52:55BOSS | aleXtricFlag tossed 14 25
00:53:12LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegg