Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:54:43`TOOOLAZYlooks like a good map
21:54:44LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeSD
21:54:47LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMedid it work?
21:54:52`TOOOLAZYlooks like theres a learning curve on it
21:55:12`TOOOLAZYwaiting for dl?
21:55:13LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMehi
21:55:18LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeforwhat
21:55:25`TOOOLAZYwaiting for your show to download?
21:55:30LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMenope
21:55:33LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMet's DL'ed
21:55:38LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMealready 15 min in almost
21:55:44LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeI was just changing map for SD
21:55:44`TOOOLAZYso what are u doing here
21:55:48LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeand checking out new map quick
21:56:01`TOOOLAZYlooks pretty good
21:56:18`TOOOLAZYur pretty good at making maps
21:56:30LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMehonestly
21:56:33`TOOOLAZYhow much time did u put into this
21:56:35LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMemap has good potential
21:56:40SDabout 5 to 6 hours
21:56:41LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegood D base
21:56:54LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMecan use numerous D strats
21:56:56SDi used alot of stuff from my old maps
21:57:02LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegonna be fun testing them and tweaking
21:57:02`TOOOLAZYu can conc into flagroom from both entrances
21:57:02SDso it was fast
21:57:12LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMealright b0yz
21:57:17`TOOOLAZYi wanna learn to make maps
21:57:18LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMethe king is starting to go into
21:57:19LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeNOD
21:57:20`TOOOLAZYwas it lole
21:57:20LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMem0de
21:57:26`TOOOLAZYhow many hours
21:57:38LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeinc burn holes in freshly washed sheets
21:57:46SDwell it usually takes days
21:57:49LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMethat im using while sititng in my kings throne
21:57:50SDbut I rushed this
21:57:54`TOOOLAZYdays total
21:57:55SDhad an idea
21:58:03SDafter I detail
21:58:09`TOOOLAZYactual days of work
21:58:10LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMe(king CPU chair with pillows for bed like ass comfort as well as pillow behind for back support
21:58:10SDit will be days put into it
21:58:18`TOOOLAZYor like 3 hours today 3 hours tommorow
21:58:20SDlong process
21:58:20LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeand the quenes cpu throne
21:58:23LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeto kick up my king legs
21:58:24`TOOOLAZY17 hours total
21:58:26LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMelike a boss
21:58:27`TOOOLAZYstiddy please
21:58:28LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMewater
21:58:29`TOOOLAZYtrying to talk
21:58:30LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMewho are oyu tlaking to
21:58:31LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMego home
21:58:33LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMechrist
21:58:34LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeLOLZ
21:58:36LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeZING
21:58:40`TOOOLAZYim trying to talk to sd
21:58:44LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeno way
21:58:47LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeare you really?
21:58:50LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeZING
21:58:58`TOOOLAZYur being annoying stiffy
21:59:01LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMewater just jaykayin' all up on you br0
21:59:02LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMemy bad
21:59:10LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMemy tr0ll is too efffective sometimes
21:59:13`TOOOLAZYi know but im trying to learn something
21:59:16`TOOOLAZYits okay
21:59:21LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegotta turn it down for the waters out there in the world baby
21:59:25LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMek im outtie
21:59:31LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMewater just buy my new travel bible
21:59:36LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMejesus is everywhere even in your pockeyt
21:59:41`TOOOLAZYok i will
21:59:44LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeitll teach you all the ins and outs
21:59:46LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeof hammer
21:59:47`TOOOLAZYgo watch ur shhow
21:59:49LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeand ff map making
21:59:53LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMeas well as life tips
21:59:55LeftBOSS4God| JoinJesusAndMegn
22:00:00`TOOOLAZYk thanks
22:00:10`TOOOLAZYthat dude never shuts up
22:00:39`TOOOLAZYi def want to learn to make a map
22:00:49SDbest way is
22:00:51`TOOOLAZYi would be real happy if i could make something like this
22:00:54SDdl the vmex tool
22:00:59SDand decompile FF maps
22:01:03SDu can use my stuff
22:01:17`TOOOLAZYdo u have any spare time now?
22:01:39`TOOOLAZYmaybe u can help me so like i can just get started
22:01:59SDwell if you want we can build a map
22:02:07`TOOOLAZYthat would be cool
22:02:14`TOOOLAZYthats from scratch?
22:02:29`TOOOLAZYhow would we do that
22:03:00SDwell either one person can work on it at a time
22:03:10`TOOOLAZYi never done one before
22:03:11SDor we can design parts of the map and put them together
22:03:24`TOOOLAZYare u the same dude as sandog
22:03:29SDyeah so what u want to do is learn the tools
22:03:41SDhammer editor
22:03:51`TOOOLAZYi used hammer for like 15 mins
22:03:54`TOOOLAZYbut gave up
22:03:57SDNo im Superdude from TFC
22:04:06`TOOOLAZYstill know u tho
22:04:09`TOOOLAZYheard of you
22:05:24SDwhat kind of map would u like to make
22:05:26SDa pickup?
22:05:36`TOOOLAZYsomething with a long ramp
22:05:47`TOOOLAZYlong curved ramp
22:06:04SDim bad with curves but could learn it
22:06:10`TOOOLAZYits hard to do right?
22:06:15`TOOOLAZYcuz a lot of mapos dont have it
22:06:16SDjust takes awhile
22:06:27SDthe main problem ive found
22:06:32SDis just the layout of the map
22:06:42SDdesigning that is a pain
22:06:52SDand sizing it to FF scale
22:07:00`TOOOLAZYsounds complicated
22:07:01SDafter you get that
22:07:05SDu can work out all the bugs
22:07:13SDmy walls here lightning is off
22:07:26`TOOOLAZYin the water?
22:07:27SDfloor needs to be lowered
22:07:36SDnah that wall
22:07:51`TOOOLAZYoh its like missing
22:08:03SDholes there
22:08:08`TOOOLAZYthats all tiny stuff tho why worry about it
22:08:18SDnot sure how the SG will do
22:08:24SDso u have to test it
22:08:27`TOOOLAZYsg wont be built there tho
22:08:34`TOOOLAZYu want me to build some sgs?
22:08:42`TOOOLAZYtell me where
22:08:46`TOOOLAZYon red or blue
22:08:47SDill build
22:08:57`TOOOLAZYshould i go blue
22:09:05SDjust check the range
22:09:43`TOOOLAZYshouldnt see me from here rightr
22:09:56`TOOOLAZYthats level 2?