Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
18:05:24BOSS | Vinzo@teams
18:05:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ gerrie ^0&^ wak ^0&^ grimace ^0&^ cynical
18:05:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ rawDawg
18:05:49Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ gerrie ^0&^ wak ^0&^ grimace ^0&^ cynical
18:05:49Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ rawDawg
18:06:13BOSS | Vinzok
18:06:18BOSS | Vinzo@teams
18:06:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ gerrie ^0&^ wak ^0&^ grimace ^0&^ cynical
18:06:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ rawDawg
18:06:24BOSS | Vinzowak prime
18:06:26BOSS | Vinzoadmin wak prime
18:06:28BOSS | Vinzoadmin plz joiun
18:06:32gerrieinc prime
18:06:44Grimacewak is waking off
18:06:48gerrieinc bob
18:07:08BOSS | Vinzoi guess me and cyn?
18:07:14Grimaceyou and gerrie
18:07:17BOSS | Vinzogerrie wont
18:07:17gerrie200 ping
18:07:18BOSS | Vinzohes got 200 ping
18:07:21BOSS | Vinzoand i wont pick him
18:07:32Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ gerrie ^0&^ wak ^0&^ grimace ^0&^ cynical
18:07:32Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ rawDawg
18:07:33BOSS | Vinzospec plz
18:07:36cynical^HeLLgrim and vin
18:07:44wakwas making a lasagne sandwich
18:07:47Grimacenah i suck
18:07:49BOSS | Vinzok i guess grim
18:07:55cynical^HeLLi suck brio
18:08:02BOSS | Vinzot...
18:08:06`TOOOLAZY<leadmine> guys im done gaming
18:08:10BOSS | Vinzolook at all these soft taco's with mild sauce
18:08:11gerrieBOSS | Vinzo 1 50
18:08:19BOSS | Vinzopathetic
18:08:28BOSS | Vinzosomeone just go red
18:08:30`TOOOLAZYTrailer: this game sucks compared to tf2
18:08:31BOSS | Vinzoand quit bein a bitch
18:08:42`TOOOLAZYwhy isnt cynical red
18:08:45Angriest of Bobsi'm bout to go red and kick someone from the pickup
18:08:55BOSS | Vinzo@teams
18:08:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ gerrie ^0&^ wak ^0&^ grimace ^0&^ cynical
18:08:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ rawDawg
18:09:01BOSS | Vinzomooney
18:09:05`TOOOLAZYu should take pride in being the best cynical
18:09:12cynical^HeLLim not that good
18:09:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ gerrie ^0&^ wak ^0&^ grimace ^0&^ cynical
18:09:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ rawDawg
18:09:17Grimacegerrie has 200 ping i wont pick him
18:09:18cynical^HeLLgrim and wak
18:09:24BOSS | Vinzorawdawg
18:09:29Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ gerrie ^0&^ wak ^0&^ grimace ^0&^ cynical
18:09:29Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ rawDawg
18:09:31Angriest of Bobslol i decide to spec after several months of being away and i still see that it takes an act of congress to get teams picked
18:09:35Angriest of Bobsto get teams picked
18:09:54wakits very civil
18:10:02cynical^HeLLcan u play hw grim?
18:10:04cynical^HeLLor soldier?
18:10:09cynical^HeLLor u want demo
18:10:10gerriefloor hacker over here
18:10:12Grimacei can demo or soldier
18:10:18cynical^HeLLwhich one, demo or soldier
18:10:26Grimaceis prime getting off it lol
18:10:31gerriepc would explode running those hax
18:10:33cynical^HeLLgrim demo
18:10:33Grimaceil demo then
18:10:35Masked_Magiciani'll play w/e
18:10:38BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
18:10:42cynical^HeLLprime u play sol or hw better
18:10:51Masked_Magicianbut i will try
18:10:57cynical^HeLLwak has to engy with that ping
18:11:04cynical^HeLLextend 30 sec plz
18:11:07`TOOOLAZYirs please
18:11:09`TOOOLAZYwasnt ready
18:11:18cynical^HeLLplay button prime
18:11:25BOSS | Vinzo^badasHell
18:11:27gerrieAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
18:11:33`TOOOLAZY<leadmine> guys im done gaming
18:11:38gerrieprime sol
18:12:21Angriest of Bobsis it fair to say vinny's the best player in ff now?
18:12:33`TOOOLAZYYES 100 90
18:12:35BOSS | Vinzovery
18:12:47gerrieHeal me!! [10 Health - 26 Armor]
18:12:51gerrieHeal me!! [6 Health - 26 Armor]
18:12:53gerrieHeal me!! [21 Health - 26 Armor]
18:13:29Angriest of Bobslulz
18:13:31wakwrong weapon
18:14:01Angriest of Bobscan i go blue just to hear the comms
18:14:12BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
18:14:22Angriest of Bobsis that cool vinny
18:14:54gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
18:14:56gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
18:15:03gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Side
18:15:04Angriest of Bobsit's on now
18:15:26Angriest of Bobsall these months i've been gone and overpressure still hasn't been patched out?
18:15:35gerriedown @ door
18:15:49gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
18:16:05BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
18:16:09Angriest of Bobslmao
18:16:13Angriest of Bobsvinny raising hell
18:16:15gerriealmost out
18:16:50rawDawgsup raped tfc fgt 11 - 26
18:17:46gerrieHeal me!! [66 Health - 48 Armor]
18:18:25BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
18:19:10gerrieHeal me!! [21 Health - 24 Armor]
18:20:12rawDawgsup raped tfc fgt 3 - 20
18:22:02gerrieAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:3 A:26]
18:22:05gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
18:22:20gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
18:23:49gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Side
18:23:50gerrieIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Side