Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:53:59BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:53:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ thisisspybish
20:53:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ NeoNL
20:54:05cynical^HeLLur a nigger
20:54:07spoon^HeLLhello niggers
20:54:20spoon^HeLLmainly ian, cyn, gary
20:54:23BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+xd
20:54:32cynical^HeLLi'm not
20:54:35BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+xd
20:54:39cynical^HeLLone of those
20:54:42spoon^HeLLtake it back
20:54:49oatshow does this filth always win
20:54:52cynical^HeLLtake it back, take it back, say it backwards
20:55:13cynical^HeLLmy mouse pad is giant
20:55:39jamesGx5idk whats up
20:55:45jamesGx5everytime i move my mouse
20:55:50jamesGx5my fps drops to 30
20:56:10cynical^HeLLthat's rough bro
20:56:10spoon^HeLLits called the mousemovingdroppingfps bug
20:56:13spoon^HeLLjust go reformat
20:56:26oatspick teams or
20:56:41jamesGx5i gotta restart my computer or something
20:57:04oatswe have 8
20:57:09BOSS | Vinzol
20:57:09BOSS | Vinzok
20:57:11BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:57:11Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ thisisspybish
20:57:11Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ NeoNL
20:57:14MafiaMan^HeLLi wasted that perfect run
20:57:15BOSS | Vinzome and mm?
20:57:17MafiaMan^HeLLthinking it was live
20:57:34BOSS | Vinzorepucci
20:57:39MafiaMan^HeLLspoon and goats
20:57:42BOSS | Vinzospoon.
20:57:43BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:57:43Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ thisisspybish
20:57:43Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ NeoNL
20:57:44BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+goat balls
20:57:48BOSS | Vinzoisnt in this.
20:57:54MafiaMan^HeLLwerwe waiting for spy
20:57:57spoon^HeLLwhat she said
20:57:58Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ thisisspybish
20:57:58Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ NeoNL
20:57:58MafiaMan^HeLLgoats and ccyn
20:58:10BOSS | Vinzofda
20:58:14cynical^HeLLi can only hw rite now
20:58:47spoon^HeLLam i needed?
20:58:49BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+xd
20:58:58spoon^HeLLlet me know now
20:59:03cynical^HeLLon the plantation
20:59:03spoon^HeLLso i can decide what to do
20:59:11cynical^HeLLgo pick my veges
20:59:29BOSS | Vinzok
20:59:31BOSS | Vinzoi guess ur in spoon
20:59:34BOSS | Vinzospy is offline
20:59:35MafiaMan^HeLLhey cyn, whats the hardest part of the vegatable to eat?
20:59:36spoon^HeLLthen im blue?
20:59:38MafiaMan^HeLLthe wheelchair
20:59:39BOSS | Vinzoand left irc
20:59:39BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+spy is restarting his pc
20:59:40spoon^HeLLi was last pick
20:59:45BOSS | Vinzooh
20:59:47BOSS | Vinzohes restarting
21:00:14BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+-27 0
21:00:17BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+xd
21:00:17MafiaMan^HeLLHEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [22.0]
21:00:18BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+pea brain 90 100
21:00:40BOSS | Vinzojust give us oats and take spoon
21:00:45BOSS | Vinzoor cyn
21:00:48BOSS | Vinzowhoever ur 3rd pick was
21:00:53MafiaMan^HeLLspoon and goats
21:00:56BOSS | Vinzok cyn blue
21:01:07BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+spoon my goat
21:01:08cynical^HeLLi like this team better neways
21:01:11spoon^HeLLshouldnt we get fda then?
21:01:15spoon^HeLLjust sayin
21:01:22BOSS | Vinzosure whateve
21:01:26BOSS | Vinzofda red
21:01:41spoon^HeLLcan u not her me/
21:01:45spoon^HeLLnot rdy
21:01:48BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+90 100
21:01:52MafiaMan^HeLLfixing his mic real quick
21:01:54BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+90 100
21:01:55BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+pea brain 90 100
21:01:58MafiaMan^HeLLExcuse me BOSS | Vinzo, Do you have a moment to talk about the lord [78.166]
21:02:00BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+pea brain 90 100
21:02:05BOSS | Vinzorofl
21:02:06BOSS | Vinzospy back
21:02:07BOSS | Vinzo.
21:02:11BOSS | Vinzocya spoon
21:02:14BOSS | Vinzojk
21:02:16BOSS | Vinzoi dont care
21:02:24BOSS | Vinzospoon plays
21:02:25MafiaMan^HeLLspy needs to see if it works lool
21:02:57spoon^HeLLthis isnt live is it?
21:02:59oatsflex demo?
21:02:59spoon^HeLLi wasnt here
21:03:01BOSS | Vinzo...
21:03:04BOSS | Vinzochrist
21:03:06spoon^HeLLlol i wasnt here
21:03:08spoon^HeLLi left the game
21:03:09BOSS | Vinzooh ok
21:03:11BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+i just want to lay down
21:03:12BOSS | Vinzoyou joined when it started
21:03:13Masked_Magicianlet me eng
21:03:19Masked_Magiciansomeone could demo?
21:03:44jamesGx5yea i dont get it
21:03:59BOSS | Vinzo,....
21:04:00BOSS | Vinzomm?
21:04:04BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+90 100
21:04:07BOSS | Vinzofor fucks
21:04:08BOSS | Vinzosake
21:04:13oatsdont rs
21:04:18BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+il lwait
21:04:51jamesGx5anyone have any clue why i would fps drop from moving my mouse?
21:05:04oatsvinnytheboss & hadeZtheChampio & iansir & MafiaMan & OHJEEZY & oats & Sabbath & *homieinreeboks*
21:05:52BOSS | Vinzohi
21:05:52BOSS | Vinzomm
21:05:55BOSS | Vinzou gonna play?
21:05:56MafiaMan^HeLLhi restarting?
21:05:59BOSS | Vinzowe specced
21:06:00BOSS | Vinzoone
21:06:03BOSS | Vinzowaiting for u
21:06:09MafiaMan^HeLLok good rs
21:06:12BOSS | Vinzook
21:06:16BOSS | Vinzotalk to everyone else
21:06:19BOSS | Vinzoplz dont focus on me
21:06:24Console^Admin:^0 vinnytheboss
21:06:26BOSS | Vinzo3 ppl said dont rs
21:06:28BOSS | Vinzo#thanks
21:06:34BOSS | Vinzofuck you
21:06:35BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+sigh
21:06:56cynical^HeLLget your hardware in order
21:07:21BOSS | Vinzo3 times u changed urs trat rofl
21:09:10BOSS | Vinzohealth bind
21:09:13BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+58 53
21:10:28CUJOit looks like fun to play scout on this map
21:10:47BOSS | Vinzoit is
21:11:59MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [53.13]
21:12:58MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [57.0]
21:13:07Masked_Magicianstop saying they are going to get it
21:13:19MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [78.109]
21:19:19MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [50.3]
21:19:21MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [50.2]
21:19:56MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [37.0]
21:21:44BAWS | Voss-RS +M|M+pea brain 42 39
21:22:01BOSS | Vinzog
21:22:02BOSS | Vinzog