Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
19:53:32BOSS | Vinzok
19:53:36BOSS | Vinzou can have blue or red
19:53:38BOSS | Vinzoid ont care
19:53:44BOSS | Sabbathget on mumble faggot
19:53:47BOSS | Vinzok
19:53:57BOSS | Sabbathcyn
19:54:02BOSS | Vinzo@teams
19:54:02Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ Mase ^0&^ CaptainAhab ^0&^ Sabbath
19:54:02Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ JuiceYJuice
19:54:05CaptainAhabbetter teams than last time please
19:54:13BOSS | Vinzofda and mase
19:54:22BOSS | Sabbath@teams
19:54:22Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ Mase ^0&^ CaptainAhab ^0&^ Sabbath
19:54:22Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ JuiceYJuice
19:54:30BOSS | Sabbathwater
19:54:38BOSS | Vinzojuicey
19:54:51BOSS | Vinzobrb one sec
19:54:53CaptainAhabapologies in advance
19:55:28BOSS | Sabbathyou're welcome in advance
19:55:35cynical^HeLLcpt, jus go med if you think scout not working, but you';ll do fine
19:55:47BOSS | Vinzok
19:55:48CaptainAhabnah I should go scout, can't DM as a medic well enough for a pickup yet
19:57:47`TOOOLAZYTrailer: this game sucks compared to tf2