Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:18:49Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ oats
22:18:49Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ frizz ^0&^ Features-
22:18:57MOSS | SHRUBBEEERY!teams
22:18:57Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ oats
22:18:57Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ frizz ^0&^ Features-
22:19:05Featachu-me cynical bees and frizz vs
22:19:08MOSS | SHRUBBEEERY!teams
22:19:08Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ oats
22:19:08Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ frizz ^0&^ Features-
22:19:11Featachu-since that is what it is going to be
22:19:23MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYdont give them ideas
22:19:24MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYthat's bad
22:19:25cynicalive been drinking, i should be picked last
22:19:42BOSS | Sabbathsamesies
22:19:45MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYI wonder why euros preferred this map
22:19:55MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYnothing to slide on
22:19:56Featachu-bees red
22:19:57BOSS | Sabbathto dm m8
22:20:02oatsu wot m8
22:20:05Featachu-frizz red
22:20:11MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYfeats you're drunk
22:20:12BOSS | Sabbathcuz u can call out lift
22:20:13oatsu shut ur mouth or ill whop u right in the gobber m8, u cheeky cunt
22:20:15MOSS | SHRUBBEEERY!admin
22:20:15Console^Admin:^0 Sabbath
22:20:18MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYsab pick cpts
22:20:25Featachu-this will b e teams
22:20:29Featachu-so just join
22:20:32BOSS | Vinzook
22:20:32Featachu-save time
22:20:39MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYwe're gonna waste time with these teams
22:20:51Featachu-drunk team tooooo good?
22:20:52cynicalthis map is too bright
22:21:03BOSS | Vinzothier not bad
22:21:08MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYlol.
22:21:08garboodaFlag Toss 11|28
22:21:19oats!aka garbooda
22:21:20BOSS | Vinzooh yea i forgot im the best
22:21:21BOSS | Sabbathbeees is one of those if sab and vinny are on the same team type guys
22:21:36garboodaam i on this team?
22:21:55MOSS | SHRUBBEEERYcyn lol
22:22:28garboodai can if u want
22:23:16BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:23:29garboodaFlag Toss 55|19
22:25:30garboodaFlag Toss 0|21
22:26:31garboodaFlag Toss 7|24
22:28:04garboodaFlag Toss -29|11
22:28:54garboodaFlag Toss 67|47
22:29:13garboodaFlag Toss 75|50
22:29:32garboodaFlag Toss 67|42
22:31:13garboodaFlag Toss 17|32
22:32:34garboodaFlag Toss -37|0
22:32:38Featachu-(Disconnect by user.) 26 4
22:33:00garboodaFlag Toss -3|0
22:33:28garboodaFlag Toss -7|0
22:34:46BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT -41 - 0
22:35:24garboodaFlag Toss 87|96
22:36:15garboodaMy WAY 90|100
22:37:03garboodaFlag Toss 0|0