Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:37:31garboodasorry my scout sucks on this map
22:37:35bunk team | beeesmaybe better with a demo :p
22:37:41BOSS | Sabbathwe dont care
22:37:44BOSS | Sabbathu did fine
22:37:48bunk team | beeesyou could toss mirvs all day on this map
22:38:48bunk team | beeesanyone good with spy?
22:38:54bunk team | beeesmight be good here
22:39:07drunk team : Featachu-vinny fighting with pam again?
22:39:12BOSS | Sabbathidk lol
22:39:17BOSS | Sabbathpulling a stiffy
22:39:22oatsyeah baby yeah
22:39:22BOSS | Sabbathin more ways then one?
22:39:29drunk team : fuck youbrah, brah, brah
22:39:30bunk team | beeeslooks like you need more transparency in your relationship, sab
22:39:44drunk team : cynical'joey i hate when u play on your computer'
22:39:44garboodavinny's girl not like him playing ff?
22:39:52oatsdoes anyones lol?
22:39:59drunk team : fuck youshe must hate him on a daily basis
22:39:59BOSS | SabbathLOL
22:40:00garboodamy wife doesn't care
22:40:01drunk team : cynical'go sell drugs and make us some money so our baby can eat'
22:40:05oatsi always play FF while talking to my gf
22:40:06BOSS | Vinzoreal mature cyn
22:40:08BOSS | Vinzoreal mature
22:40:09oatsand i just go afk for like 35 mins
22:40:09drunk team : cynicallol
22:40:10garboodashe says whatever i gotta do to keep from strangling her
22:40:12bunk team | beeesrofl
22:43:26BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:43:34BOSS | Sabbathbad 48 41
22:43:35BOSS | Sabbathbad 48 41
22:43:35BOSS | Sabbathbad 48 41
22:43:36BOSS | Sabbathbad 48 41
22:43:36drunk team : Featachu-(Disconnect by user.) 49 39
22:43:37drunk team : Featachu-(Disconnect by user.) 49 39
22:43:41BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 48 - 41
22:43:42BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 48 - 41
22:45:55BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:46:42garboodaMy WAY 65|50
22:47:04BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:47:29BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:47:39BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:48:42BOSS | Vinzonext time lets not have features juts dictate the teams
22:51:44BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:52:19BOSS | Vinzokoo koo kah choo
22:52:24drunk team : cynicalkoo koo kah choo
22:52:39drunk team : fuck youi hate the beatles :(
22:52:44BOSS | Vinzoi love em
22:52:54drunk team : fuck youok hates maybe a bad word
22:53:00drunk team : fuck youbut hearing them is like hearing happy birthday
22:53:02drunk team : fuck youi'll pass
22:53:08oatsim am the walrus
22:53:11oatsbeatles greatest hit
22:53:20oatstheir only good song imo
22:53:40drunk team : fuck youeh, hey bulldog or don't let me down is a personal favorite
22:53:46drunk team : fuck youbut even then, heard em enough
22:54:02BOSS | Vinzogg gotta cook dinner
22:54:07drunk team : cynicalleaving early...
22:54:17drunk team : cynicalmust of been fighting
22:54:18drunk team : fuck youdinner at 11pm on the east coast?
22:54:20drunk team : cynicalwith this girl
22:54:30oatsbro its 1:00 AM EC
22:54:32drunk team : fuck youi get done work at 8 and i made dinner lol
22:54:34garboodayou guys aren't trying or are you this bad?
22:54:38drunk team : cynical'change the diaper joey'
22:54:42oatsyeah but dinner for family isnt at 11
22:54:50drunk team : fuck youi prefer the term
22:54:54drunk team : fuck youjust playing
22:55:21drunk team : fuck yougg