Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:36:41Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ cacalot
00:36:41Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ CaptainAhab
00:36:57squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:37:01squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:37:06squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:37:17squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:37:32BOSS | VinzoWHATS DIFF
00:37:37Featachu-sucks bawls
00:37:39BOSS | Vinzolol
00:38:01BOSS | Vinzoi think its alright
00:39:07BOSS | Vinzo@teams
00:39:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ cacalot
00:39:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ CaptainAhab
00:39:09BOSS | Vinzoplz goto teams
00:39:36hadeZtheChampioncockalots on blue i think
00:39:43BOSS | Vinzosi
00:39:44BOSS | Vinzo@teams
00:39:44Featachu-i c what u did there
00:39:44Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ cacalot
00:39:44Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ CaptainAhab
00:40:12CaptainAhabwho'r we missing?
00:40:51Featachu-alex new stiffy
00:40:59BOSS | aleXtricwas trying to fix autodl
00:41:04BOSS | aleXtricnot snorting lines
00:41:05hadeZtheChampionalex has a stiffy
00:41:08CaptainAhaba bind?
00:41:12hadeZtheChampiononly thing in common
00:41:23hadeZtheChampionbl hf
00:43:16BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 6 96
00:43:36BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 6 96
00:43:57BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 3 116
00:44:16BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 17 12
00:47:55BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 20 17
00:48:02BOSS | Vinzofuck
00:48:05BOSS | Vinzoi need a sub for a sec
00:48:07BOSS | Vinzo2 min
00:48:11BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 17 13
00:48:18BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 17 13
00:49:32BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 18 18
00:50:24BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 65 85
00:51:07Featachu-(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
00:51:10hadeZtheChampiontu dumb 6 22
00:51:23Featachu-(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
00:52:07BOSS | aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 16 65
00:53:15hadeZtheChampion(Disconnect by user.) 57 43
00:53:47Featachu-so much for 2 mins
00:54:59hadeZtheChampionMedic! 65|50
00:55:01hadeZtheChampionMedic! 62|50
00:55:44BOSS | aleXtric(Disconnect by user.) 57 73
00:56:12hadeZtheChampionBANG! 75 50 BANG!
00:56:12Featachu-alex getting owned
00:56:15Featachu-by cacalot
00:56:22BOSS | aleXtricmaps gay
00:56:27hadeZtheChampion3v3 yes
00:56:28BOSS | aleXtricwaste of a pickup
00:56:29CaptainAhabgreat game!