Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:28:00bunk team | beeesfinally get to see you play FF
20:28:08BOSS | Sabbathno pressure
20:28:12rodoxits gon be bad
20:28:18BOSS | Vinzoneed a capt on red
20:28:19BOSS | Vinzoplz
20:28:22rodoxnew everything
20:28:29BOSS | Sabbathme?
20:28:32bunk team | beeesadmin pick a cpt
20:28:34BOSS | Vinzohi hadez red?
20:28:34BOSS | Sabbathill red
20:28:41bunk team | beees
20:28:43rodoxno idea what to set my sens at
20:28:44BOSS | Vinzo@admin
20:28:44Console^Admin:^0 vinnytheboss
20:28:45MafiaMan^HeLLmy shift key is stuck
20:28:45rodoxfor this
20:28:49Mario Canoli'lol mm
20:28:53BOSS | Vinzohi go red?
20:28:56MafiaMan^HeLLmom washes keyboard
20:28:56bunk team | beees
20:29:10BOSS | SabbathYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 1 0
20:29:10Mario Canoli'your mom is nice
20:29:11BOSS | SabbathYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 1 0
20:29:13BOSS | SabbathYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 1 0
20:29:13Mario Canoli'pea brain 1 :: 0
20:29:14Mario Canoli'pea brain 1 :: 0
20:29:15Mario Canoli'pea brain 1 :: 0
20:29:16bunk team | beeesadmin
20:29:17bunk team | beeespick a cpt
20:29:18bunk team | beeesplz
20:29:21Mario Canoli'he did
20:29:24BOSS | Vinzoill take sab
20:29:24Mario Canoli'stfu
20:29:31Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ vinnytheboss
20:29:31Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ beeeees
20:29:39hadeZtheChampionbees cynical and mafiaman
20:29:39bunk team | beees!teams
20:29:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ vinnytheboss
20:29:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ beeeees
20:29:52BOSS | Vinzook
20:29:52BOSS | Vinzow/e
20:29:56BOSS | Vinzohomie and rodox
20:29:57BOSS | Vinzoblue
20:30:50ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!
20:31:14Mario Canoli'im bad
20:31:16Mario Canoli'we lose
20:31:31Mario Canoli'you in a turbine vtb?
20:31:37bunk team | beeeswhere's mafia
20:31:42Mario Canoli'shift key stuck
20:31:43hadeZtheChampionhe had to poop
20:31:49MafiaMan^HeLLtrying to fix my keyboard
20:32:15bunk team | beeespeople use shift for FF?
20:32:22ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 15 SECONDS!!
20:36:04hadeZtheChampionBANG! 37 0 BANG!
20:37:22MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [47.57]
20:37:32Mario Canoli'cutie pie cynical
20:37:33MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [15.31]
20:37:37MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [15.111]
20:40:01MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [33.17]
20:40:47BOSS | SabbathBLUE CAN'T CAP -4 0
20:41:11MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [14.13]
20:41:11hadeZtheChampionMedic! 55|19
20:41:12hadeZtheChampionMedic! 55|19
20:41:13hadeZtheChampionMedic! 55|19
20:44:38Mario Canoli'out
20:45:59hadeZtheChampionMedic! 57|34
20:47:09hadeZtheChampionMedic! 100|96
20:47:30bunk team | beeesgg
20:47:32bunk team | beeesintense
20:47:38bunk team | beeesgg