Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:15:45BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 55 47
00:16:18BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 70 50
00:16:21Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:16:31Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:16:31Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:16:32Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:16:33Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:16:33Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:16:36Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:16:37Mario Canoli'cutie pie BOSS | bRoner
00:16:39Mario Canoli'<squeek.> lol
00:17:06Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:17:07Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:17:07Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:17:08Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:17:09Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:17:10Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:17:10Mario Canoli'<squeek.> sorry
00:17:17Mario Canoli'alex
00:17:25Mario Canoli'you pick now
00:17:28BOSS | SirSnifflez60 seconds
00:17:29Featachu-squeek stagg
00:17:38BOSS | bRoner!teams
00:17:38Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oreo ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ frizz
00:17:38Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ sb_ ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ squeek
00:17:38Mario Canoli'me either
00:17:53BOSS | SirSnifflez60 seconds
00:17:56Mario Canoli'idk
00:17:58Mario Canoli'I hate him
00:18:06Mario Canoli'lol
00:18:15Mario Canoli'frizz
00:18:20BOSS | SirSnifflez60 seconds
00:18:36Mario Canoli'squeek
00:18:42Featachu-IS RED
00:18:43Mario Canoli'lol
00:18:45BOSS | SirSnifflez60 seconds
00:18:53Mario Canoli'fair imo
00:18:54BOSS | bRonerfechi chi chi
00:19:06BOSS | bRoneranyone see ALL CHI WROTE
00:19:09BOSS | bRonerafter chicago won
00:19:12BOSS | SirSnifflez60 seconds
00:19:13BOSS | bRonerso fukcing corny
00:19:13Featachu-squeek get ur black cock over here
00:19:15BOSS | SirSnifflezLAST ONE
00:19:16BOSS | SirSnifflezI SWEAR
00:19:16OMleggo squeekers
00:19:17BOSS | SirSnifflezLIVE
00:19:17BOSS | SirSnifflezON
00:19:18BOSS | SirSnifflezEND
00:19:21rodoxpeople were retarded here after that game
00:19:26rodoxim in chicago btw
00:19:31Mario Canoli'I wish people liked hockey here
00:19:34rodoxsome guy was on teh news
00:19:40rodoxand drunk people just smashed his car all the fuck up
00:19:42rodoxfor no reason
00:19:45BOSS | bRonerROFL
00:19:48rodoxhe was just like
00:19:49rodoxall sad
00:19:51Mario Canoli'rofl
00:19:54rodox'ya i mean'
00:19:58BOSS | bRonernew hockey tradition it seems
00:20:03rodox'when alcohol and people mix diz is wat happens mang'
00:20:04BOSS | bRonervancouver was destroyed after they lost
00:20:12BOSS | SirSnifflez60 seconds
00:20:16BOSS | bRonerPrematch ends in 30 seconds
00:20:22rodoxi was watching all the retards
00:20:31BOSS | bRonerwhy u in chi
00:20:35BOSS | bRonermove?
00:20:37rodoxcause i live here
00:20:46BOSS | bRonercool better than gay vity
00:20:48BOSS | bRonerPrematch ends in 30 seconds
00:20:50BOSS | bRonergaycity
00:21:03rodoxno chef
00:21:06Mario Canoli'lol
00:21:06BOSS | bRonerim making a tonys trip this wkd
00:21:07BOSS | SirSnifflezSORRY
00:21:09BOSS | bRonerbacon
00:21:10BOSS | SirSnifflezWINAMP ALARM
00:21:11BOSS | SirSnifflezREGISTER
00:21:17rodoxthat tonys is prob owned by my dads cousin
00:21:34rodoxmy family owns grandpa tonys/tonys not sure if i told u
00:23:05BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 1 5
00:23:06BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed -65 0
00:23:26BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 50 42
00:23:28BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed -5 0
00:25:27BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 67 72
00:25:54BOSS | SirSnifflezI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 10 | 0
00:28:17BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed -27 0
00:28:30BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed -19 0
00:28:33BOSS | bRonerWOW CURSED
00:28:46BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 74 92
00:29:04BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 53 40
00:29:06BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 37 16
00:31:38BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed -96 0
00:31:49BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 90 100
00:31:52BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 46 13
00:32:14[Free-Agent]Moyafucking stiff
00:33:45BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 25 20
00:34:27BOSS | bRonerNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 45 45
00:34:36BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 71 18
00:34:42BOSS | SirSnifflezI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 84 | 50
00:36:04BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed -81 0
00:36:16BOSS | bRonerFlag tossed 52 43
00:36:20BOSS | bRonerWOW
00:36:22BOSS | SirSnifflezgg
00:36:26[Free-Agent]Moyathat was 8 btw