Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:48:24BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:48:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
20:48:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ rawDawg
20:48:39Features-brb making a dirnk
20:48:41Features-drink too
20:48:46BOSS | Vinzolol
20:48:49King Voss the BOSSdirnk pls
20:48:56BOSS | Vinzoya ill take a dirnk as well
20:49:08BOSS | Vinzook i guess me and features
20:49:10BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:49:10Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
20:49:10Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ rawDawg
20:49:13BOSS | Vinzospec plz
20:49:20BOSS | Vinzoim sure he will take neon
20:49:24BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:49:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
20:49:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ rawDawg
20:49:34BOSS | Vinzohmm
20:49:36garboodapretty sure rawdwg is admin of this pickup orrrr?
20:49:37BOSS | Vinzoill take homie and beeees
20:49:43BOSS | Vinzooh ok
20:49:47BOSS | Vinzoill just shut my mouth then
20:49:50King Voss the BOSSpea brain 1 0
20:49:52( ir :: D. Rose' )pea brain 1 :: 0
20:49:56King Voss the BOSShi
20:50:03excessive forcemm fresh install
20:50:04BOSS | Vinzoim only looking out for the best
20:50:08BOSS | Vinzoof this pickup
20:50:09BOSS | Vinzobut sure
20:50:09King Voss the BOSSyes rawdawg
20:50:10BOSS | Vinzoill just stfu
20:50:12King Voss the BOSSplease continue talking
20:50:15garboodatake a breather this go around
20:50:16King Voss the BOSSbecause you said my name
20:50:18King Voss the BOSSthanks
20:50:33BOSS | Vinzohi
20:50:36BOSS | Vinzo@admin
20:50:36Console^Admin:^0 rawDawg
20:50:36garboodaneon i think rawdawg was picking you
20:51:01excessive forcemic broke 1 sec
20:51:02BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:51:02Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
20:51:02Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ rawDawg
20:51:08( ir :: D. Rose' )neon worth 15caps
20:51:14Features-think i found my favoritestest rum
20:51:18BOSS | Vinzogarbooda
20:51:21King Voss the BOSSwhats that feat
20:51:21( ir :: D. Rose' )kraken?
20:51:26Features-cpt morgan tattoo black
20:51:29King Voss the BOSSmmmm
20:51:30King Voss the BOSSyum
20:51:31( ir :: D. Rose' )that sounds good
20:51:33( ir :: D. Rose' )lol
20:51:40King Voss the BOSS!teams
20:51:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
20:51:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ rawDawg
20:51:43( ir :: D. Rose' )cold?
20:51:47( ir :: D. Rose' )room temp?
20:51:50( ir :: D. Rose' )gotch
20:52:03( ir :: D. Rose' )I like to put kraken in the freezer
20:52:05BOSS | Vinzohi
20:52:09rawDawgPrematch ends in 30 seconds
20:52:09BOSS | Vinzorawdawg were ready when u are
20:52:12BOSS | Vinzok ty
20:52:13King Voss the BOSS3v4
20:52:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ garbooda ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
20:52:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ rawDawg
20:52:34rawDawgPrematch ends in 30 seconds
20:52:44garboodai am spiking al ittle bit so ecpect me to play spy just sayin
20:53:08garboodacause i cant conc with lag?
20:53:22garboodabut i am spiking
20:53:49King Voss the BOSS75 50
20:55:11mattfaster garbooda :p
20:58:29King Voss the BOSS75 50
20:58:59mattvoss or
20:59:00King Voss the BOSS10 27
20:59:02King Voss the BOSSpea brain 10 27
20:59:28( ir :: D. Rose' )get outta here
20:59:30King Voss the BOSS75 50
20:59:44mattfail det
20:59:51Features-has all day to juke..
21:01:35black bettyn1
21:01:43garboodasorry stop some medics then
21:02:06garboodagun would be up if HW coulde stop a medic worth a shit
21:04:44Penith 1!score
21:04:44Console^Last round's score:^0 5 ^on^0 ff_roasted
21:04:51rawDawgsup raped tfc fgt 16 - 31
21:05:05Penith 1
21:05:10Penith 1
21:05:18Penith 1
21:05:30Penith 1
21:05:50BOSS | aleXtricSHOW ME YOUR PENITH 1
21:06:06Penith 1Felt like I did everything 1 0
21:06:08King Voss the BOSSrobbed
21:06:12BOSS | aleXtricthrough the flag or
21:06:19Penith 1
21:06:21Penith 1
21:06:33Penith 1
21:06:41BOSS | aleXtric
21:06:42Penith 1
21:06:51Penith 1
21:06:56Penith 1
21:07:06Penith 1
21:07:14Penith 1
21:07:23Penith 1
21:07:33Penith 1
21:07:37Penith 1
21:07:50Penith 1
21:07:55black betty
21:08:05excessive forcegg
21:08:08BOSS | aleXtric