Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
04:01:52( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-!teamss
04:01:54( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-!teams
04:01:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ Features-
04:01:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Wicked_Clown ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ vinnytheboss
04:02:19hadeZtheChampion^HeLL-de-lts pick
04:02:20CuNt PiEcan tell homie is a mapper
04:02:22BOSS | Vinzouok
04:02:23BOSS | Vinzohi
04:02:24BOSS | Vinzosorry
04:02:28CuNt PiEgetting pissed about angles
04:02:28BOSS | Vinzofinding my e cig cartridge
04:02:32homie '<squeek.> sorry
04:02:33BOSS | Vinzoand i foudn it
04:02:34BOSS | Vinzo@teams
04:02:34Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ Features-
04:02:34Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Wicked_Clown ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ vinnytheboss
04:02:44BOSS | Vinzoerm
04:03:04BOSS | Vinzosqueek
04:03:17Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ Features-
04:03:17Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Wicked_Clown ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ vinnytheboss
04:03:24hadeZtheChampion^HeLL-de-features homie
04:03:31homie 'GIVE EM 2 NGS
04:03:32BOSS | Vinzoalex
04:03:36BOSS | Vinzoseriously lol
04:03:37BOSS | Vinzow/e
04:03:49BOSS | Vinzoclown
04:04:00squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
04:04:02squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Air Vent ]
04:04:04homie 'HOLE IN DA MAP
04:04:07homie 'SQUEEK PLZ FIX
04:04:24( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-^260 seconds until prematch ends!
04:04:33rodoxwho to spec?
04:04:36homie 'squeek
04:04:39homie 'or alex
04:04:50homie 'idc
04:04:55squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
04:04:59( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Prematch ends in 45 seconds
04:05:06homie 'am I demo?
04:05:21homie 'ill demo idc
04:05:26homie 'or hw
04:05:40( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-cool double
04:07:14( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 27 19
04:07:21( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-ROLF
04:07:44squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Hall ]
04:07:46hadeZtheChampion^HeLL-de-BANG! FIREWORKS! 84 239 BANG! CURCUITS!
04:07:49rodoxdat flag spot
04:08:41( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 52 63
04:08:44( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed -61 0
04:09:05squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
04:10:25homie 'rofl
04:10:34squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Hall ]
04:10:40( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 47 50
04:11:03( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 45 52
04:11:25rodoxcorners and edges best defense
04:11:56( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 32 22
04:12:06squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room ]
04:12:29squeek.flag tossed [ Yard ]
04:12:55homie 'RIOFl;
04:13:26squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
04:14:34( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 15 2
04:15:05hadeZtheChampion^HeLL-de-BANG! FIREWORKS! 79 216 BANG! CURCUITS!
04:15:06hadeZtheChampion^HeLL-de-BANG! FIREWORKS! 71 189 BANG! CURCUITS!
04:15:34( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 11 0
04:15:57( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 27 32
04:15:57BOSS | Vinzonoo
04:18:15squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
04:18:30squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
04:18:50( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie-Flag tossed 83 100
04:20:34homie '<squeek.> lol
04:20:43BOSS | Vinzogg\
04:20:45homie 'gg
04:20:46Wicked_Clowntold u i shouldnt have played alex lol
04:20:49rodoxwp all around m8