Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:02:43()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()Flag tossed 55 46
20:02:45dr. explosion=PhD34-34 so?
20:03:00()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()Flag tossed 72 50
20:03:26()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()Flag tossed 75 50
20:03:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ spydox
20:03:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Sabbath
20:03:55dr. explosion=PhD-19-16 so?
20:04:00MafiaMan^HeLLExcuse me little baby hadez, Do you have a moment to talk about the lord [84.48]
20:04:24little baby hadezIMPRESSIVE
20:04:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ spydox
20:04:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Sabbath
20:04:26little baby hadez@teams
20:04:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ spydox
20:04:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Sabbath
20:04:38()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()sab vs hadez?
20:04:43dr. explosion=PhDill capt
20:04:48()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()ur not adeded
20:04:50little baby hadezMAFIAMAN
20:04:51dr. explosion=PhD:D
20:05:00Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ spydox
20:05:00Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Sabbath
20:05:05sabvin arex
20:05:20little baby hadezMAFIAMAN
20:05:28BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:05:28Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ spydox
20:05:28Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Sabbath
20:05:29MafiaMan^HeLLterrible choice
20:05:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ spydox
20:05:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Sabbath
20:05:54BOSS | Vinzopick again good sir
20:05:55()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()pick ahdez
20:06:05little baby hadezwallhacks mcgee
20:06:24BOSS | Vinzohe sholud have turnd them on last game
20:06:28sabwho wants to hw?
20:06:39MafiaMan^HeLLsab does
20:06:43Oreo-Tecca Neenai guess thats me?
20:06:47nadeshotgotta program in my anti-whine too
20:06:54()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()Prematch ends in 30 seconds
20:06:57nadeshotOkay 67:50
20:07:14nadeshotOkay 67:50
20:07:18BOSS | Vinzogl hf
20:07:52nadeshottossed 10~26
20:07:53nadeshottossed -22~13
20:08:52nadeshottossed 55~32
20:10:55nadeshottossed -8~15
20:12:48BOSS | VinzoEnjoy 56 78
20:12:48nadeshottossed -29~6
20:13:58nadeshottossed -6~16
20:14:00MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [90.100]
20:14:12MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [90.100]
20:14:13nadeshottossed 2~20
20:14:52BOSS | VinzoEnjoy 39 18
20:15:00MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [90.100]
20:16:25BOSS | VinzoEnjoy 63 55
20:16:37nadeshottossed 12~26
20:17:45little baby hadezBANG! FIREWORKS! 90 100 BANG! CURCUITS!
20:17:53nadeshotOkay 75:50
20:18:57nadeshottossed -12~14
20:19:57nadeshottossed 8~27
20:20:20nadeshotMedic.. [64|46]
20:20:24nadeshottossed 9~6
20:20:38nadeshottossed -7~16
20:21:26()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()()Need Medic/Engy/Ammo 15 12
20:21:37nadeshotEngi.. [^517^4:^525^4]
20:21:46BOSS | VinzoEnjoy 80 121
20:21:48little baby hadezBANG! FIREWORKS! 90 100 BANG! CURCUITS!
20:22:08nadeshotOkay 75:50
20:22:26BOSS | Vinzogg
20:22:26Oreo-Tecca NeenaGG