Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
02:10:30homie 'these teams?
02:10:34abacus brainnope
02:10:39abacus brainwho is
02:10:40homie 'theyre fair
02:10:40homie 'tbh
02:10:43abacus brainff historain
02:10:49homie 'moto
02:10:55abacus brainholmes not play?
02:10:59homie '2v2
02:11:01homie 'ill spec idc
02:11:13homie '
02:11:18abacus brainok i guess
02:11:22abacus brainunless u can find 1 more
02:11:34homie 'only 5 people in ff
02:11:36homie 'worldwide
02:11:40abacus braintruth
02:11:55Sexy Alex
02:11:58homie '
02:12:00homie '
02:12:18abacus brainsomeone blue
02:12:20B|ueangry and fda
02:12:22B|uedont want to 3v
02:12:25B|ueso i guess thats out
02:12:28homie 'gl hf
02:12:33Sexy Alexi should have black
02:12:35Sexy Alexon my team
02:12:41homie 'want black?
02:12:41abacus brainok
02:12:42homie 'we can rs
02:12:43Sexy Alexto be fair
02:12:46homie 'switch
02:12:48homie 'moto black
02:12:48Sexy Alexmoto red
02:12:53homie 'ty
02:12:59homie 'live on end
02:13:02homie '15mins
02:13:04homie 'or 10?
02:13:10homie '15 it is
02:13:14Sexy Alex^715 seconds left of prematch!
02:13:15Sexy Alex^715 seconds left of prematch!
02:13:21homie 'lolwut
02:13:29homie 'mp_timelimit
02:13:30B|uecant here me
02:14:33homie '<squeek.> sorry
02:14:47Sexy AlexFlag tossed -17 12
02:14:56Sexy AlexFlag tossed 75 50
02:15:09Sexy AlexFlag tossed 11 24
02:15:14Sexy AlexFlag tossed 0 20
02:16:04homie 'conc off that jpad black
02:16:12Sexy AlexFlag tossed 38 35
02:16:24Sexy AlexFlag tossed 16 28
02:16:35Sexy AlexFlag tossed 71 50
02:16:38Sexy AlexFlag tossed 22 30
02:16:38Sexy AlexFlag tossed 22 30
02:17:20homie 'lol untouched
02:18:14Sexy AlexFlag tossed -19 15
02:18:28Sexy AlexFlag tossed 14 26
02:19:07Sexy AlexFlag tossed 13 28
02:19:13homie '<squeek.> sorry
02:19:31B|uethe fuck
02:19:47abacus brainWHAT WAS T
02:19:50homie 'he was afk
02:19:54homie 'drowing
02:19:55B|uei got minimized
02:20:00homie 'sry
02:20:02homie '1toss
02:20:20Sexy AlexFlag tossed 17 27
02:20:47Sexy AlexFlag tossed -38 7
02:21:14Sexy AlexFlag tossed 39 37
02:21:26Sexy AlexFlag tossed 3 20
02:21:37Sexy AlexFlag tossed 39 37
02:22:26Sexy AlexFlag tossed -31 6
02:22:46abacus brainMedic.. [48|47]
02:22:59Sexy AlexFlag tossed 75 50
02:23:37Sexy AlexFlag tossed 9 26
02:23:38Sexy AlexFlag tossed -32 9
02:23:47Sexy AlexFlag tossed -32 8
02:23:54Sexy AlexFlag tossed 39 37
02:23:59abacus brainMedic.. [3|0]
02:24:03Sexy AlexFlag tossed -27 9
02:24:15Sexy AlexFYUCK
02:24:18homie 'lol
02:24:36Sexy AlexFlag tossed 71 50
02:24:40Sexy AlexFlag tossed 1 21
02:25:34Sexy AlexFlag tossed 69 50
02:26:14abacus brain91-164
02:26:22Sexy AlexFlag tossed 65 48
02:26:46Sexy AlexFlag tossed 71 50
02:26:53homie 'lol
02:26:55abacus brainraped
02:26:58abacus brainwhere the fuck did he go
02:27:01homie 'top
02:27:03homie 'rafters
02:27:14abacus braingot a trapdoor up there
02:27:22Sexy Alexwent out main
02:27:24homie 'when the solly's are blind
02:27:24homie 'yes
02:27:38homie 'classic alex technique
02:27:42homie 'play bad
02:27:44homie 'to throw them off
02:27:47Sexy AlexFlag tossed 8 24
02:27:48Sexy AlexFlag tossed -45 2
02:27:50Sexy AlexL:LOL
02:28:27Sexy AlexFlag tossed -40 1
02:28:29homie 'gg
02:28:32FF Historiangg