Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
03:26:54homie 'everyone spec
03:26:57homie 'spec
03:27:05abacus brainok
03:27:09abacus braini'll make it a fair game
03:27:12homie '6 - 8
03:27:14homie 'totally unfair
03:27:15homie 'imo
03:27:23FF Historianit wasnt a bad game
03:27:26oreohonestly teams were even just broken
03:27:31homie 'they were even
03:27:33homie 'I was just crying
03:27:33aleXtrici was too good
03:27:36abacus brainme alex skywalker and
03:27:39FF Historian^
03:27:40aleXtriccapped everytime flag was out
03:27:40oreoranny QQ
03:27:42homie 'nope give me alex plz
03:27:45FDA1 more scouts and it would have been a capfest for us
03:27:56homie '1v4 in fr every run
03:27:57homie 'tbh
03:28:08aleXtricif meds wouldve tossed flag out
03:28:08FF Historianlol capfest, highly doubtful
03:28:09oreodamn i dont even get a .5?
03:28:10B|uewe def raped that SG
03:28:12abacus brainalex blue
03:28:16FF Historianonly reason you got so many was 3 meds
03:28:17FF Historianrofl
03:28:25FDAmoto you're an idiot
03:28:29FDAwhat would you know
03:28:29FF Historianno u
03:28:31FF Historian;P
03:28:36abacus brainwe're playing pick the other captain's team
03:28:38FF Historiani know a lot about a lot
03:28:46abacus brainhomie red
03:28:50[TALOS]Skywalkerwhat are you guys complaining about?
03:28:58abacus braini pick you
03:29:01abacus brainblue
03:29:03aleXtricsound effects are so bad
03:29:05aleXtricon this map
03:29:15aleXtricwrong sound for the texture imo
03:29:16oreoknow what else is bad
03:29:27oreorhianna doing the beating
03:29:38aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
03:29:40abacus brainhomes pick me one
03:29:44homie 'no
03:29:47homie 'you pick them
03:29:53aleXtrichow high
03:29:55aleXtricare u titan
03:29:56homie 'spec black
03:30:00homie 'ty
03:30:03abacus brainpick teams
03:30:05aleXtricand are u always this gay when ur high
03:30:06abacus brainyou're right
03:30:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ B|ack ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ oreo
03:30:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FPSMoto ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ nadeshot
03:30:20abacus brainpassing quartermaster duties
03:30:21abacus brainto alex
03:30:24homie 'just spec
03:30:25homie 'idiot
03:30:27oreoall i want for my birthday
03:30:27homie 'pick alex
03:30:33oreois a big booty hoe
03:30:33aleXtrici pick titanium balls
03:30:42homie 'fda sky
03:30:46Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ B|ack ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ oreo
03:30:46Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FPSMoto ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ nadeshot
03:30:53B|ueoh you didnt say blueballs
03:30:58oreocan i have a big booty hoe?
03:31:04B|uebaby got back?
03:31:04homie 'moto
03:31:10homie 'what?
03:31:15homie 'talk louder
03:31:27homie 'lol
03:31:36B|ueteams stacked
03:31:37homie 'more fair this way
03:31:39B|uei quit
03:31:44homie 'lolwut
03:31:48homie 'just because I got moto
03:31:49abacus brainat least pings are fine over here
03:31:49homie 'over black
03:31:55homie 'both are bad
03:31:57FF Historian;P
03:31:58homie 'oh
03:32:02homie 'I thought he got oreo
03:32:20aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
03:32:23abacus brainmoto laggin
03:32:26homie 'yes
03:32:31abacus braintossed 64~48
03:32:31homie 'he has 55ping
03:32:37aleXtricalert the media
03:32:38abacus brainghastly
03:32:40B|uemy ping is too high
03:32:42FF Historiangasp
03:32:44B|uei cant play with this
03:32:45homie 'vote ron pual
03:32:47homie 'lowing ping
03:38:10aleXtricFlag tossed -29 9
03:38:44abacus braintossed 18~32
03:39:22abacus braintossed 56~42
03:39:39abacus braintossed 28~31
03:41:12aleXtricFlag tossed -17 14
03:41:12abacus braintossed 29~32
03:42:00abacus braintossed 48~42
03:42:24abacus braintossed 9~23
03:43:55aleXtricFlag tossed 23 30
03:44:11abacus braintossed -3~19
03:44:30aleXtricFlag tossed 42 38
03:44:45aleXtricFlag tossed 10 28
03:44:47abacus braintossed 8~23
03:45:33aleXtricFlag tossed -22 12
03:45:44aleXtricFlag tossed -24 10
03:46:00aleXtricFlag tossed -43 4
03:46:05abacus braintossed 75~50
03:46:28aleXtricFlag tossed 17 30
03:47:48FF Historiangg
03:47:52homie 'gg