Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:26:35abacus brainthis map
22:26:36abacus brainwhat is it
22:26:46Features-does ur hacks turn off the top of ur screen
22:26:50Features-saying what map it is?
22:26:52FDAit's awesome except for the worst fucking sg spot
22:27:08FDAby worst i mean best
22:27:33Features-is squeek typing for u?
22:27:40Features-lol nvm.
22:28:18hadez lost in spaceme and features cpt
22:28:24Features-umm nope
22:28:30hadez lost in spaceyes
22:28:33FDA2late to swing 1?
22:28:48DraKoNaLresolve had 4 votes so doesn't matter
22:29:10B|uemap makes me feel like im in a pub lol
22:29:24FDAit's a japanese loft appartment
22:29:32FDAlooks gorgeous
22:29:47B|ueshitty apartment
22:29:48hadez lost in spacek drak cpt?
22:30:10hadez lost in spacedrak cpt?
22:30:12DraKoNaLwhy would i capt when features could/should capt?
22:30:20hadez lost in spacebecause he said
22:30:28DraKoNaLare you admin or a nutless monkey?
22:30:34hadez lost in spacewe dont have a sub
22:30:36hadez lost in spaceor id ban him
22:30:50hadez lost in spacecant just go around banning ppl without subs drak
22:30:51hadez lost in spaceduh
22:30:51FDAmaybe we could get a sub for another map
22:30:59DraKoNaLfeatures get your talented whiney bitch ass red or blue and man up bitch
22:31:01hadez lost in spaceyeah this map needs a sub
22:31:10hadez lost in space@mapsub 1
22:31:12B|uethis map sucks balls
22:31:23B|uechocolate salty balls
22:31:24FDAit's great, except for the sg spot
22:31:42FDAyou get 1 pick bro
22:31:47hadez lost in space@teams
22:31:48Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features-
22:31:48Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ B|ack ^0&^ frizz
22:31:53hadez lost in spacesqack
22:32:04Features-fatfuckdrak fda
22:32:44hadez lost in spacetitan
22:33:24hadez lost in spaceazul
22:33:37frizzCwO azul?
22:33:44frizzoh orange
22:33:48hadez lost in spaceblue
22:33:55B|uewhos blue?
22:34:00hadez lost in spacei am you are
22:34:02hadez lost in spacesqueek is
22:34:03hadez lost in spacetitan is
22:34:14B|uei thought orange was blue
22:34:32squeek.flag tossed [ ]
22:34:32squeek.flag tossed [ ]
22:37:20abacus braintossed 1~26
22:37:21hadez lost in spacenomobombom
22:38:41hadez lost in space(Disconnect by user.) -4944 0
22:38:55DraKoNaLok seriously fuck you features tking on purpoise
22:39:01abacus braintossed 15~26
22:39:03abacus brainshocker
22:39:23DraKoNaLwe need to restart and do a trade cause he is gonna do it the whole game like a whiney bitch
22:39:34abacus braintossed 65~48
22:39:35abacus brainOkay 75:50
22:39:37hadez lost in spacethat doesnt have to do w the teams
22:39:38abacus brainwe dont want whiny bitch
22:41:22abacus braintossed 45~39
22:41:25hadez lost in spaceMedic! 75|50
22:41:46squeek.flag tossed [ ]
22:43:09abacus braintossed -38~3
22:43:57squeek.flag tossed [ ]
22:44:08abacus braintossed 75~50
22:44:19hadez lost in spaceBANG! FIREWORKS! -17 15 BANG! CURCUITS!
22:44:39squeek.flag tossed [ ]
22:45:08hadez lost in spaceBANG! FIREWORKS! -4875 0 BANG! CURCUITS!
22:45:15abacus braintossed 41~38
22:45:19abacus braintossed 6~25
22:46:20hadez lost in spacekeep runing and ill ban u both
22:46:43DraKoNaLgame was ruined the second me and feat got on same team bra
22:46:54abacus braintossed 66~50
22:47:33abacus braintossed 4~26
22:47:51abacus braintossed 75~50
22:48:15abacus braintossed -30~12
22:48:25squeek.flag tossed [ ]
22:48:48squeek.flag tossed [ ]
22:49:15abacus braintossed -33~8
22:49:33hadez lost in spaceBANG! FIREWORKS! -1 21 BANG! CURCUITS!