Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
15:00:05KiNGz . gato en ruana'this guy
15:00:42BOSS | Vinzordy?
15:00:54BOSS | Vinzok gl hf
15:00:55squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:00:58Propezzi do but i dunno why its not working dnt have time to sort it
15:01:40squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:02:08squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:02:21squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:03:04MafiaManMedic! [12.5]
15:03:09squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:03:52squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:04:07squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard ]
15:05:11squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:05:20MafiaManMedic! [19.22]
15:05:23squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:05:48Propezzim not fist time ever playing hw in a pickuyp
15:05:58KiNGz . gato en ruana'stop
15:06:16BOSS | Vinzochill boys
15:07:18MafiaManMedic! [50.61]
15:07:42MafiaManprops can you demo?
15:07:50MafiaMango demo
15:08:06squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:08:44squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Security Area ]
15:09:38squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:09:49squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:10:13squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:10:15MafiaManMedic! [4.0]
15:10:29squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:10:33BOSS | VinzoEnjoy 90 100
15:10:35MafiaManMedic! [11.0]
15:10:57squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard ]
15:12:04MafiaManMedic! [17.25]
15:12:56squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:13:19BOSS | VinzoEnjoy 24 32
15:13:31MafiaManMedic! [54.119]
15:13:36wer am i
15:13:42KiNGz . NeoNLIghT
15:14:11squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
15:14:39BOSS | VinzoEnjoy 90 100
15:15:20squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard ]
15:15:58BOSS | Vinzogg