Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:39:52Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDonly celeb missing here is voss
00:40:11Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDe-celeb's
00:40:21Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDno e
00:40:29Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDelectronic
00:40:38oreogoldfishis that what the e stands for
00:40:42Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDbelieve so
00:40:47oreogoldfishare you sure
00:40:48CaptainAhabe-sports = electronic sports
00:41:00Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDisports
00:41:10Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDnewports
00:41:18Oreowomen10 dollars
00:41:22Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDbad form
00:41:29titantossed -26~8
00:41:39Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDif youre a pack a day smoker in MA, thats a car payment
00:41:39oreogoldfishdont think this is gonna work blue
00:41:43oreogoldfishnot gonna lie
00:41:45Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDlike a brand new ford
00:42:02MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [31.30]
00:42:15MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [35.39]
00:42:21Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDi remember i could go 1/2 on a blunt, get a pack of cigs and a lottery ticket for $10
00:42:32MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [50.39]
00:42:46squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:43:06Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDbig squeek
00:43:48Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDmafia w/ 16 pipes looking like vector out ther
00:43:54titantossed -12~16
00:44:18Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDquality ahab giving blue a run for their money
00:44:41MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [52.63]
00:44:53squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:44:59titantossed -15~13
00:45:10oreogoldfishonly hope is for mafia to die a lot
00:45:18Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDnot likely
00:45:31Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDhe lives
00:45:34MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [90.120]
00:45:44titantossed -3~17
00:46:07titantossed 64~46
00:46:09Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDnow demos refreshed w/ mirvs gg
00:46:18oreogoldfishnice stall by fda
00:46:30Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDhadez with the sw00p snag
00:46:31titantossed 36~34
00:46:38Oreowomenused my team mates conc
00:46:42Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDi watched
00:46:57Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDsg going down this run
00:46:59Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDbig hadez
00:47:12titantossed 35~33
00:47:19Tom Brady ^HeLL -XD2ez
00:47:28squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:47:38oreogoldfishjesus fuck
00:47:44oreogoldfishlooking like gator with those blues
00:47:52Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDtitan dll'ing like magellian
00:47:54MafiaMan^HeLLlagging now
00:48:03oreogoldfish9 ping instead of 5?
00:48:08MafiaMan^HeLLnot me, squeek
00:48:13Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDi can sub
00:48:14squeek.yea :(
00:48:19squeek.should be fixed
00:48:36Tom Brady ^HeLL -XD!score
00:48:36Console^Last round's score:^0 10 ^on^0 ff_phantom_r
00:48:41titantossed 70~50
00:48:59MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [9.2]
00:49:00MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [9.2]
00:49:02Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDd rose #1 fragger on D
00:49:16titantom madden over here
00:49:22Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDjohn*
00:49:25squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:49:53MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [16.34]
00:49:59Tom Brady ^HeLL -XD4th and long for blue
00:50:10titantossed 1~22
00:50:27oreogoldfishflag down to the 5 yard line
00:50:37titantossed -21~12
00:50:42Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDwaiting for an injury
00:50:52Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDthere we go
00:50:53titan<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 75 50
00:50:54squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:51:09squeek.flag tossed [ ]
00:51:22CaptainAhabCall me Ishmael. ^213 ^1118
00:51:29oreogoldfishcan blue meds step it up like red last round?
00:51:44Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDahabs attacking pillars now
00:51:54titan<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 75 50
00:52:21Tom Brady ^HeLL -XD!aka squeek.
00:52:41Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDthis squeek guy looks fishy
00:52:45Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDrecord
00:53:10Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDHelp, Surrounded by noobs 1 0
00:53:38Tom Brady ^HeLL -XD!score
00:53:38Console^Last round's score:^0 10 ^on^0 ff_phantom_r
00:53:53titantossed 75~50
00:54:12Tom Brady ^HeLL -XDdang titan if it wasnt for your jump pad you may as well go medic
00:54:43MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [39.45]
00:54:52titantossed 75~50
00:55:09MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [8.17]
00:55:44KiNGz . D. Rose'gg
00:55:47oreogoldfishgg would watch again