Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:26:49Gary OaK^Pokemanzdoes he really change the rcon pw every other day
21:26:58BOSS | Sabbathshitagive
21:27:05FDAonly mondays and thursdays
21:27:09titanhow do you disable that conc spectrum again
21:27:24rodoxcl_conc somethin
21:27:29rodoxtab through cmds
21:27:30Features-CL_wallhack ban
21:27:43Features-cl_conc_refract 0
21:27:45Features-i think
21:27:46titanwtf is cl_concaim
21:27:55Gary OaK^Pokemanzchanges the concaim mechanics
21:27:58rodoxits the flash conc thing
21:28:00rodoxwhen u shoot
21:28:08spoon^HeLLso much nerdtalk my glasses are fogging up again
21:28:08Features-lol built in anticonc
21:28:11BOSS | SabbathLOL
21:28:18rodoxbuilt in trueaim
21:28:23BOSS | Sabbathget an @admin or
21:28:27Features-cl_concaim_showtrueaim 1
21:28:28KiNGz . D. Rose'dont have to dl them anymore
21:28:28Gary OaK^Pokemanzyou gotta do it
21:28:29KiNGz . D. Rose'amirite
21:28:34Gary OaK^Pokemanzrcon pw change
21:28:35Gary OaK^Pokemanzf
21:28:35rodoxu dont
21:28:41BOSS | Sabbathu dont have rcon?
21:28:45Gary OaK^Pokemanzvinny changes it
21:28:46BOSS | Sabbathi donts haz it
21:28:46Gary OaK^Pokemanzevery day
21:28:50Gary OaK^Pokemanzsomeone switched map
21:28:51FDAi have it
21:28:52BOSS | Sabbatho i do
21:28:57BOSS | Sabbathsuck it trebek
21:28:59Gary OaK^Pokemanzrofl
21:29:01BOSS | Sabbathfdas pickup
21:29:04BOSS | Sabbath123 not it
21:29:12Gary OaK^Pokemanzyour answer was V
21:29:12BOSS | Sabbathspec bros
21:29:13FDAles go gary
21:29:17Gary OaK^Pokemanzi guess thats a roman numeral
21:29:19titandoesn'tflash trueaim for me
21:29:28BOSS | Sabbathpick capts
21:29:29spoon^HeLLcan we please start
21:29:29rodoxwhen u shoot it should
21:29:29Features-sv_cheats 1 needs tobe on
21:29:29Gary OaK^Pokemanzyour running pickup now
21:29:31rodoxif its set to 1
21:29:32Gary OaK^Pokemanzno rcon
21:29:39BOSS | Sabbathdont need rcon to run it
21:29:40rodoxcl_concaim is the flash thing
21:29:45Gary OaK^Pokemanzmap needs extenz
21:29:48spoon^HeLLno rcon, so i cant captain 100 200
21:29:48BOSS | Sabbathrodxo u captain?
21:29:54rodoxcl_conc_trueaim is actual true aim your crosshair always follow the 8
21:29:59rodoxnot even added
21:30:03BOSS | Sabbathspec
21:30:07BOSS | Sabbath@teams
21:30:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spooooon ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ Sabbath
21:30:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Largos ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot
21:30:10titanyeah i have cl_concaim 1 now but xhair just disappears when i'm conced
21:30:16BOSS | SabbathMM and spoon capts
21:30:17rodoxuntil u shoot
21:30:23titanwhen i shoot i just see my bullet marks
21:30:24Gary OaK^Pokemanzwhich color do you want
21:30:25BOSS | Sabbathspoon blue MM red
21:30:33rodoxit should flash crosshair
21:30:36Gary OaK^Pokemanz@teams
21:30:36Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spooooon ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ Sabbath
21:30:36Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Largos ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot
21:30:41BOSS | Sabbathrest spec plz
21:30:48rodoxill sub if needed
21:30:53Gary OaK^Pokemanzkyle
21:30:54BOSS | Sabbath@teams
21:30:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spooooon ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ Sabbath
21:30:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Largos ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot
21:30:56Gary OaK^Pokemanzfda
21:31:08Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spooooon ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ Sabbath
21:31:08Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Largos ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot
21:31:26Gary OaK^Pokemanzlargos
21:31:30KiNGz . D. Rose'subbed
21:31:31KiNGz . D. Rose'by black
21:31:32B|ackim subbing largos
21:31:40B|ackyou told me that lol
21:31:42Gary OaK^Pokemanzorange
21:31:48Gary OaK^Pokemanzcome red
21:32:04spoon^HeLLsab said brb
21:32:07Gary OaK^Pokemanzi feel like you play hw
21:32:08Gary OaK^Pokemanzat least
21:32:18BOSS | Sabbathon phone
21:32:22spoon^HeLLhes on phone
21:32:24Gary OaK^Pokemanzif not can you demo and ill hw lol
21:32:30Gary OaK^Pokemanzcalling vinny for destroy strat
21:32:34KiNGz . D. Rose'rofl
21:32:35KiNGz . D. Rose'pea brain 1 :: 0
21:32:36KiNGz . D. Rose'pea brain 1 :: 0
21:32:37KiNGz . D. Rose'pea brain 1 :: 0
21:32:51Features-extenze ur penis
21:32:57spoon^HeLLmore pm
21:33:06Gary OaK^Pokemanzmore peabrain
21:33:07spoon^HeLLmikey hurry up
21:33:08KiNGz . D. Rose'What a joke 1 :: 0
21:33:12FDA<squeek.> Sure. 100 200
21:33:14KiNGz . D. Rose'HAIL TO THE KINGZ BABY!!!
21:33:15Gary OaK^PokemanzHEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [41.32]
21:33:17titani was trying to hide that conc meter
21:33:24Gary OaK^Pokemanzcl_concmeter 0
21:33:28spoon^HeLLsab ruining
21:33:33Gary OaK^Pokemanzsab banned
21:33:34KiNGz . D. Rose'he's back
21:33:35BOSS | Sabbathnoope
21:33:47Gary OaK^Pokemanzwere rsing right
21:33:50KiNGz . D. Rose'rofl
21:33:54BOSS | Sabbathraped
21:33:58titanrs or leaving
21:34:44KiNGz . D. Rose'What a joke 1 :: 0
21:35:00BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT -7 - 17
21:35:09rodoxjust went right past u
21:35:23KiNGz . D. Rose'inc drak's best game of ff career
21:35:53titan<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 40 36
21:36:21Gary OaK^PokemanzMedic! [27.0]
21:36:36titantossed -6~16
21:37:05DraKoNaLFlag Toss 79|64
21:37:35KiNGz . D. Rose'black
21:37:36KiNGz . D. Rose'play up
21:37:40KiNGz . D. Rose'to stop spy
21:37:50KiNGz . D. Rose'
21:37:52Gary OaK^PokemanzMedic! [90.120]
21:38:10KiNGz . D. Rose'
21:38:15KiNGz . D. Rose'
21:38:19KiNGz . D. Rose'
21:38:19titantossed -48~0
21:38:34DraKoNaLFlag Toss 25|4
21:39:06titantossed 6~22
21:41:06titantossed -45~0
21:41:20BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 69 - 50
21:41:58BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 75 - 50
21:42:00KiNGz . D. Rose'lol
21:42:17DraKoNaLFlag Toss 72|75
21:42:26titantossed -3~19
21:43:46BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT -1 - 20
21:43:48KiNGz . D. Rose'rofl
21:43:49Gary OaK^PokemanzBADABING [90.108]
21:44:04KiNGz . D. Rose'HAIL TO THE KINGZ BABY!!!
21:44:04BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 11 - 27
21:44:07titantossed -11~16
21:44:10KiNGz . D. Rose'worstluck
21:44:21Gary OaK^PokemanzMedic! [15.7]
21:44:35titantossed -21~0
21:44:45titantossed -9~15
21:44:53Gary OaK^PokemanzMedic! [39.20]
21:44:59KiNGz . D. Rose'rofl
21:45:41BOSS | SabbathTOOO GOOOOODDDD 75 - 50
21:46:11KiNGz . D. Rose'so sneaky drak
21:46:16KiNGz . D. Rose'who expect the ng to go btn
21:46:28titantossed 38~36
21:48:18DraKoNaLFlag Toss -11|0
21:48:39DraKoNaLFlag Toss 20|3
21:48:49BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 2 - 19
21:48:57jennycraig3000The largos are an aquatic race of assassins from the deep oceans of the far north and at Subway too 1 0
21:49:03KiNGz . D. Rose'rofl