Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:34:34KiNGz . aleXtricThe largos are an aquatic race of assassins from the deep oceans of the far north and at Subway too 75 50
23:34:56KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
23:34:56Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Damon ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ matt-- ^0&^ FDA
23:34:56Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Skywalker| ^0&^ Bostonian ^0&^ hustleoj ^0&^ nadeshot
23:35:05KiNGz . aleXtrictitan vs fda
23:35:09blue birdnot cpt thx
23:35:12KiNGz . aleXtricur rivals
23:35:15KiNGz . aleXtrichave to
23:35:20blue birdi hired hwdox
23:35:27blue birdand got a watered down squeek
23:35:28KiNGz . aleXtrichire matdic
23:35:33FDAshouldn't rivals be fairly even in skill?
23:35:44Damonya fda is better than titan
23:35:47Arian Foster ^HeLL -VDme vs everyone
23:35:50KiNGz . aleXtricdeal
23:35:52KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
23:35:52Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Damon ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ matt-- ^0&^ FDA
23:35:52Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Skywalker| ^0&^ Bostonian ^0&^ hustleoj ^0&^ nadeshot
23:36:01blue birddamon vs fda
23:36:05KiNGz . aleXtricme vs oj
23:36:18KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
23:36:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Damon ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ matt-- ^0&^ FDA
23:36:19Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Skywalker| ^0&^ Bostonian ^0&^ hustleoj ^0&^ nadeshot
23:36:22KiNGz . aleXtricoj alive
23:36:23KiNGz . aleXtric?
23:37:03KiNGz . aleXtricoj red?
23:37:09Damonripped asshole
23:37:15KiNGz . aleXtricmatt
23:37:21oj the hustler!teams
23:37:21Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Damon ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ matt-- ^0&^ FDA
23:37:21Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Skywalker| ^0&^ Bostonian ^0&^ hustleoj ^0&^ nadeshot
23:37:33oj the hustlerfda and sky
23:37:45KiNGz . aleXtricfluffy
23:37:48oj the hustler!teams
23:37:48Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Damon ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ matt-- ^0&^ FDA
23:37:48Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Skywalker| ^0&^ Bostonian ^0&^ hustleoj ^0&^ nadeshot
23:38:07[TALOS]SkywalkerI suppose
23:38:15oj the hustlerhmm
23:38:16oj the hustler!teams
23:38:16Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Damon ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ matt-- ^0&^ FDA
23:38:16Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Skywalker| ^0&^ Bostonian ^0&^ hustleoj ^0&^ nadeshot
23:38:28oj the hustlertitan
23:38:34KiNGz . aleXtricmedman
23:38:50FDAwhich team
23:38:54KiNGz . aleXtricred
23:39:24FDAsky u wanna demo?
23:39:32[TALOS]Skywalkerdoesn't matter to me
23:39:35[TALOS]Skywalkereither or
23:39:38blue birdOkay 100:200
23:39:40oj the hustleryea sky demo
23:39:42FDAdemo plz
23:39:52blue birdOkay 90:120
23:39:59KiNGz . aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
23:40:05blue birdsky sol plz
23:41:19KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 32 5
23:41:41KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 56 18
23:42:39blue birdMedic.. [1|53]
23:42:39mattthrow it?
23:43:33KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 40 21
23:45:19KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 45 50
23:45:20KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 36 38
23:46:13KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 12 0
23:47:17KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 53 59
23:47:19KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 19 10
23:47:39KiNGz . aleXtricThe largos are an aquatic race of assassins from the deep oceans of the far north and at Subway too 90 100
23:47:40blue bird33-38
23:47:58KiNGz . aleXtricThe largos are an aquatic race of assassins from the deep oceans of the far north and at Subway too 47 50
23:48:54KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 75 100
23:49:45KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 10 0
23:52:00oj the hustlerwhat a BIG BLOCK - FEEL OJ POWER - BIG MAC
23:52:07Arian Foster ^HeLL -VDhahaha
23:52:59KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed -2 0
23:53:05Damon[10-4] Ja, Mein Fuhrer! ^2H: 75 ^5A: 50
23:53:49KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 54 58
23:54:43KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 10 0
23:54:58blue bird51-64
23:55:09KiNGz . aleXtricThe largos are an aquatic race of assassins from the deep oceans of the far north and at Subway too 90 100
23:55:11blue bird90-120
23:55:21KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 34 35
23:55:42oj the hustlerwhat a BIG BLOCK - FEEL OJ POWER - BIG MAC
23:55:44blue birdgg
23:55:44Arian Foster ^HeLL -VDlolol
23:55:45KiNGz . aleXtricg
23:55:47Arian Foster ^HeLL -VDbest bind ever