Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:28:31spoon has left the game?
23:28:36aleXtric has left the gamePrematch ends in 30 seconds
23:28:40DraKoNaLFlag Toss 38|22
23:28:51spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 27 48
23:31:06aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 13 17
23:31:36DraKoNaLFlag Toss -1|0
23:32:10neonL has joined the game3 24
23:32:47aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 32 11
23:32:48neonL has joined the game75 50
23:32:52DraKoNaLFlag Toss 56|51
23:33:30neonL has joined the game75 50
23:33:38neonL has joined the game75 50
23:33:45spoon has left the gametry hard pants on eh
23:33:47neonL has joined the game41 36
23:33:48angry bobwhat is this fuckery
23:33:56DraKoNaLFlag Toss -7|0
23:34:00neonL has joined the game75 50
23:34:18nadeshotyankees vs astros
23:34:19DraKoNaLFlag Toss 63|62
23:34:32angry bobfuck baseball
23:34:34angry bobboring ass shit
23:34:36neonL has joined the game75 50
23:35:07neonL has joined the game2 22
23:35:17DraKoNaLFlag Toss -59|0
23:35:25angry bobis alex trying
23:35:25nadeshotoreo must be tryibng
23:35:44angry bobspoon you have green pipes u know
23:36:21DraKoNaLFlag Toss 24|3
23:36:48DraKoNaLFlag Toss -14|0
23:36:56kyLe has left the gamerofl
23:36:57neonL has joined the game71 50
23:36:57angry bobspoon not even using greens and he's easily leading team in kills
23:37:07DraKoNaLFlag Toss 66|64
23:37:35neonL has joined the game75 50
23:37:37neonL has joined the gamewe r eggcelent 75 50
23:37:50spoon has left the gameROFL
23:37:51neonL has joined the gameThat's rodoxulous 75 50
23:38:16angry bobwelp this will clearly be the last pickup since everyone took their try pants off already
23:38:34nadeshotstiffs taking over
23:39:01spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 17 14
23:39:01neonL has joined the game-91 0
23:39:10DraKoNaLno wonder the league died
23:39:17spoon has left the gametoo much fun
23:39:20angry bobno wonder ff died tbh
23:39:31spoon has left the gamefun not allowed in ff
23:39:43spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 45 69
23:39:43neonL has joined the gameThat's rodoxulous 75 50
23:39:44angry bobtrying not allowed
23:39:46angry bobapparently
23:39:59spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 90 120
23:40:04nadeshotanyone who tried in this pickup is now worse
23:40:06neonL has joined the gamepea brain 24 29
23:40:10nadeshotsorry blue
23:40:28angry bobalex u should have more than 9 kills if all u did was rail gun
23:40:53spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 90 120
23:40:58neonL has joined the game-30 6
23:41:05neonL has joined the game75 50
23:41:08angry bobsad thing is i've seen higher scores against defenses that were supposedly trying
23:41:25nadeshotwell look at the meds
23:41:35spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH -84 0
23:41:50Console^Last round's score:^0 10 ^on^0 ff_pRopInQuiTy_b4
23:41:57nadeshotbob blue
23:42:01angry bobnah
23:42:02spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 0 5
23:42:06angry bobi want no part of this
23:42:54neonL has joined the game68 50
23:42:56neonL has joined the game-2 20
23:43:23angry bobspoon has about 20 tk's with detpack
23:43:45spoon has left the gameROFL
23:43:48angry boblol
23:43:50oreoblame random
23:44:03DraKoNaLgg close one
23:44:07spoon has left the gameLOL
23:44:07oreodumb 1
23:44:10frizz has left the gamebest game ever