Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:12:33KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 75 50
23:12:35KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo90 100
23:12:37KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
23:12:39KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooThat's rodoxulous 90 100
23:12:40KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooosaranghaeyooooooooooooooooooooooooo
23:12:42KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooStiffyBaby & FDA & oreo & nadeshot & MafiaMan & rawDawg & dR-eXpl0si0n_ &neon
23:12:46KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooooops
23:12:46KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
23:12:46Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ oreo
23:12:46Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:12:51KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 68 50
23:12:51KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooNareul chajawa if you want a good time 90 100
23:12:55oreosqueek must be required to say nigger
23:12:58KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
23:12:58Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ oreo
23:12:58Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:13:01KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooosquarey bracket 90 100
23:13:02KiNGz . homie'squeek is black
23:13:07KiNGz . aleXtricasshole
23:13:07KiNGz . aleXtricoreo
23:13:15oreochecking care pocket
23:13:19Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ oreo
23:13:19Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:13:24KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
23:13:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ oreo
23:13:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:13:34KiNGz . aleXtricNOON VS SNAILHOP
23:13:35KiNGz . aleXtricSPEC
23:13:53spoon has left the gameoreo first pick
23:13:58spoon has left the gameROZLFRZLFOLROFLOLDFOL
23:14:10oreolast pick too heavy
23:14:14oreomega stuffed oreo
23:14:16KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooouh
23:14:19KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooalex
23:14:20spoon has left the gameblue has advantage
23:14:32snailb0tand squeekek
23:14:39KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooootopsqueekek
23:14:42KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo!teams
23:14:42Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ oreo
23:14:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:14:45snailb0tkeek the squeek
23:14:47KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooocake
23:14:52KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo90 78
23:14:53Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ oreo
23:14:53Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:15:05oreothe cakes a lie
23:15:07[MedManFan]cakeI'm really quite bad at this. 93 100
23:15:15KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooosky
23:15:27spoon has left the gameblue by 6 caps
23:15:27oreowe f'n talked about this fuckin shit god fucking fuckkkkkkkkkkk
23:15:44[MedManFan]cakeI'm really quite bad at this. 90 100
23:15:52KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooNareul chajawa if you want a good time 90 79
23:16:00spoon has left the gameneon beat hadez, bio, and squeek by himself earlier on phantom
23:16:03KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 53 44
23:16:03spoon has left the gamered doesnt have a chance
23:16:06KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooolmfao
23:16:07KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
23:16:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ oreo
23:16:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Skywalker| ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:16:17spoon has left the gamebio was awful
23:16:24KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo90 100
23:16:34spoon has left the gameneon the new gaytor?
23:16:35KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooocuz all he has played the past 4 months is shitz
23:16:56KiNGz . aleXtrichello
23:17:05snailb0tstarting or
23:17:10KiNGz . aleXtricwheres our member
23:17:15snailb0tin your pants
23:17:20spoon has left the gamesubbing for blu
23:17:31[MedManFan]cakefail neon
23:17:36KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooowat
23:18:06KiNGz . homie'rofl
23:18:06KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooROFL
23:18:17KiNGz . aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
23:18:18KiNGz . aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
23:18:23KiNGz . aleXtricwheres our member
23:18:30KiNGz . aleXtricskywalker
23:18:30KiNGz . aleXtricor
23:18:40KiNGz . aleXtricskywalker
23:18:41KiNGz . aleXtrichello
23:18:43KiNGz . aleXtricpaging luke
23:18:49[TALOS]Skywalkerwaiting on you guys
23:18:56KiNGz . aleXtric^715 seconds left of prematch!
23:18:58KiNGz . aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
23:18:59spoon has left the gameROFL!
23:19:08KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooSARANGHAEYOOOOOOOOOOO
23:19:38spoon has left the game2 demos ROFLORFLZOLFOOFLZ
23:19:39KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo6 23
23:19:40KiNGz . aleXtric^715 seconds left of prematch!
23:20:28KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo-4 18
23:20:29spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 1 200
23:20:29spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 1 200
23:20:30spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 1 200
23:20:30FDA<squeek.> Sure. 1 50
23:20:42KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 37 25
23:20:45spoon has left the gameneon not good when being watched
23:20:54KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooworst ma[p
23:21:00spoon has left the game?|
23:21:13KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo-3 20
23:21:22KiNGz . aleXtricThe largos are an aquatic race of assassins from the deep oceans of the far north and at Subway too -6 0
23:21:48spoon has left the gamet is a floodgate
23:21:55KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
23:22:02snailb0tbest soldier in the game
23:22:10FDA<squeek.> Sure. 1 50
23:22:14spoon has left the gameppl just walkin right on in
23:23:36KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo1 21
23:23:38spoon has left the gameROF!
23:23:40spoon has left the gameL
23:24:09spoon has left the gameFelt like I did everything 1 200
23:24:14snailb0tMedic! [26.0]
23:24:21KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 61 70
23:24:24KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 47 50
23:24:25KiNGz . aleXtricWTF
23:24:29KiNGz . aleXtricWHYD FLAG GO BACKWARDS
23:24:45snailb0tMedic! [13.0]
23:25:05KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo-48 1
23:25:38KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed -41 0
23:25:39KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooogg
23:25:47spoon has left the gameneon you run in to more nades than anyone ive ever seen
23:25:50spoon has left the gamemy god lol
23:25:54KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo:/
23:26:02spoon has left the gameROFL
23:26:34KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 4 10
23:28:39KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 19 5
23:28:44KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooypls
23:28:45KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooogo away
23:29:28KiNGz . aleXtricThe largos are an aquatic race of assassins from the deep oceans of the far north and at Subway too 90 100
23:32:04spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 1 200
23:32:18KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed -1 0
23:34:12snailb0tMedic! [53.17]
23:34:56KiNGz . homie'gg