Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:44:22not funny!teams
20:44:22Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ B|ack ^0&^ cynical
20:44:22Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ rodox
20:46:08KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooThat's rodoxulous 1 0
20:46:08The Shack@teams
20:46:08Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ B|ack ^0&^ cynical
20:46:08Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ rodox
20:46:28The Shackadmin cynical join
20:46:33not funnyget on ts D:
20:46:47oreonigger fucking babies
20:46:47rodoxthe specialists/
20:46:48PaRaMoReterminal server?
20:46:52rodoxtitty sucking?
20:47:14PaRaMoRetortoleni soup
20:47:20The Shackwaitin on cynical
20:47:54rodoxwhose teamspeak?
20:47:59oreosome nerd
20:48:08rodoxi thought we had a mumble
20:48:26The Shackraw did you know finchies?
20:48:36|SC| rawDawgno
20:49:09The Shackneon
20:49:13The Shacksub for cynical
20:49:18KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooouhg
20:49:24KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooook
20:49:32The Shackdont know where the hell he went
20:49:36The Shackoh nvm
20:49:37oreoi just wanna go back to drinking go
20:49:37KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooothere
20:49:37PaRaMoRehe's joining now
20:49:38The Shackthere he is
20:50:03The Shackfeatures vs rohax?
20:50:10The Shacki mean rodox
20:50:24KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooThat's rodoxulous 1 0
20:51:43The Shack@teasm
20:51:46The Shack@teams
20:51:46Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ B|ack ^0&^ cynical
20:51:46Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ rodox
20:52:17|SC| rawDawg!teams
20:52:17Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ B|ack ^0&^ cynical
20:52:17Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ rodox
20:52:30KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo1 0
20:52:42|SC| rawDawg!teams
20:52:42Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ B|ack ^0&^ cynical
20:52:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ rodox
20:52:49oreojus type rd
20:52:51oreocant hear
20:53:42rodoxwhere am i
20:53:51PaRaMoRered because i wasn't allowed to pick u
20:53:59KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo1 0
20:53:59cynicalself imposed
20:54:06oreowould help if i could hear raw
20:54:09FDA<squeek.> Sure. 43 0
20:54:17oreonigga i cant hear u
20:54:18KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooolet me mumble into my microphone
20:54:30oreowhisper dirty secretzzzzzzzzzz
20:54:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ B|ack ^0&^ cynical
20:54:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ rodox
20:55:01|SC| rawDawgi dont know what the fuck is up with it
20:55:04|SC| rawDawglol
20:55:07|SC| rawDawgpsssssssst
20:55:08PaRaMoReuser error
20:55:12KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooThat's rodoxulous 1 0
20:55:13PaRaMoReid10t error
20:55:14rodoxi dont like my team
20:55:15The Shackready?
20:55:18KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooROFL rodox
20:55:49KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooorofl
20:55:54KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooespd and aimbotted
20:59:09cynicalDetpack in 5
21:01:25not funnyyou're everywhere :o
21:03:06KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo1 0
21:07:09KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooroamdox
21:07:25PaRaMoRelick my cock