Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:32:46KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooded
22:32:48SPC.:Vyea!! LoLz!!
22:33:16KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooquark fun tfc map
22:33:33Rayniansomeone needs to port prodigal_r
22:33:36RaynianBest TFC map
22:33:36Debbie DetpacksNOT ON MY WATCH 1 50
22:33:37KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooonope
22:33:45GarytheWhalei liked it
22:33:46GarytheWhalejust too big
22:33:48Raynianokay fine the best one was tn_guyz
22:33:51Raynianbut someone needs to port that as well
22:33:51GarytheWhaleand the respawn tubes were dumb
22:33:52KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooohwguyz
22:33:55KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo#1
22:33:56Raynianhwguyz yeah
22:34:00SPC.:Vsquee: last online 21 hours ago.
22:34:02Raynian[Health Points: 66] [Armor Points: 150]
22:34:03Raynianrice is now playing Guild Wars 2 66 150
22:34:05KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooThat's rodoxulous 1 0
22:34:11squeek.steam friends is for squares
22:34:14KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooorofl
22:34:20KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooaka hes sick of being asked for help
22:34:22KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo:>
22:34:25KiNGz . homie'squeek
22:34:27KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
22:34:27Raynianplease make my lua squeek
22:34:28KiNGz . homie'squeek is now offline
22:34:52KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo'worst sport in the game'
22:34:55GarytheWhalewas that prime
22:34:55squeek.worst sport in the game 86 | 300
22:34:57GarytheWhalethat added
22:34:59KiNGz . homie'stand by my statement
22:35:02KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooyes
22:35:03KiNGz . homie'prime is magic
22:35:11GarytheWhaleso 15 minutes till he connects right
22:35:18KiNGz . homie'most likely
22:35:20KiNGz . homie'plays on a toaster
22:35:27Debbie Detpacksmcdonalds wifi
22:35:37KiNGz . homie'toaster and mcdonalds wifi
22:35:44RaynianSo why were pyros nerfed like
22:35:46Raynian10 times again
22:35:50KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooopyros still #1 class
22:35:57KiNGz . homie'same reason squeek buffs melee range to make ng op
22:35:59Raynianthey're okay but they can't fucking kill anything anymore
22:36:03KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo?
22:36:08KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooothey havent been changed in a year?
22:36:12GarytheWhalejust l3 fire them
22:36:14GarytheWhaleauto death
22:36:14KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooatleast substancially
22:36:15Rayniantakes like 10 seconds to kill something without L3
22:36:20KiNGz . homie'ray is 3years in the past
22:36:20Raynianyeah but L1 and L2 are so shit
22:36:28Rayniandidn't it get nerfed hard last patch
22:36:34squeek.l2 is so easy to get though
22:36:40GarytheWhaleit needs to be nerfed more damage
22:36:45KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooowe playing?
22:36:46KiNGz . homie'as ez as making a video of a flag scoop
22:36:48GarytheWhalewhy the fuck do pyros live through 3 rockets
22:36:59KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooowe playing?
22:37:03Raynianl2 doesn't even do that much damage unless you're like
22:37:04Rayniana scout
22:37:09KiNGz . homie'brb loading my tribes ini
22:37:12KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo!admin
22:37:12Console^Admin:^0 MafiaMan
22:37:12KiNGz . homie'seeing if it works here
22:37:21GarytheWhaleno one specing or
22:37:22Raynianbrb midairing people
22:37:23RaynianMid Air Rocket[1]! Distance is 10 meters
22:37:29Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ spoonlololol
22:37:29Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Masked_Magician
22:37:35Raynianmeanwhile snipers still do like 400 damage on a headshot
22:37:39KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooozzzz
22:37:40GarytheWhaleneon captian
22:37:41Raynianfukkin gay m8
22:37:43GarytheWhaleand someone else
22:37:44KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooothis isnt dev support
22:37:45GarytheWhaleme or spoon or
22:37:49GarytheWhalereal squeek
22:38:06KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo!teams
22:38:06Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ spoonlololol
22:38:06Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Masked_Magician
22:38:20KiNGz . homie'I like the propellers
22:38:20KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooosqueek
22:38:22KiNGz . homie'on top of the towers
22:38:24Raynianthis could totally be a 5v5
22:38:27GarytheWhalepat ethan
22:38:37KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooocake homie
22:38:56KiNGz . homie':} reunion
22:39:02RaynianFDA let me show you that ksour jump later
22:39:09Raynianit's hella sweet
22:39:10KiNGz . homie'inc 4jpad jump
22:39:13KiNGz . homie'by ray
22:39:17Raynianwell you can do it with just one jump pad
22:39:20Raynianif you start from cp2
22:39:21KiNGz . homie'snooze
22:39:25Raynianyeah I know rite
22:39:26KiNGz . homie'jpads dumb for avd
22:39:46squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
22:39:47Masked_Magicianwho is squark
22:39:51GarytheWhaleyou ready
22:39:54KiNGz . homie'What a joke 95 :: 279
22:39:54KiNGz . homie'What a joke 95 :: 279
22:39:55KiNGz . homie'What a joke 95 :: 279
22:39:56KiNGz . homie'What a joke 95 :: 279
22:39:57GarytheWhaleExcuse me SPC.:V, Do you have a moment to talk about the lord [100.188]
22:39:57KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
22:40:54KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooowe r eggcelent 90 100
22:41:15SPC.fday? went shoop both times
22:41:19SPC.fdathat's u guy
22:41:53KiNGz . homie'rs
22:41:54KiNGz . homie'new mpa
22:41:55KiNGz . homie'anyting
22:41:57KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooROFL
22:42:00SPC.fdanew map plz
22:42:06Masked_Magiciansoldier side
22:42:07Debbie DetpacksNOT ON MY WATCH 80 50
22:42:36Debbie DetpacksNOT ON MY WATCH 80 50
22:43:11Masked_Magiciani am cloaked in flagroom should i stay here
22:43:19GarytheWhaleMedic! [64.57]
22:44:51Debbie Detpackso hw?
22:44:54Debbie Detpackslolol srsly
22:44:58RaynianMaximum disrespect
22:45:00Debbie Detpacksid get banned so fast
22:45:00KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooThat's rodoxulous 90 100
22:45:03squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room ]
22:45:20SPC.fdaping need sub
22:45:28GarytheWhaleMedic! [37.7]
22:45:31RaynianI totally didn't start downloading porn please sub me
22:46:16SPC.fda4 hundred ping still getin kills
22:47:01ConsoleSubstitute player request created
22:47:52KiNGz . homie'new map
22:47:53KiNGz . homie'?
22:47:59Debbie Detpackshe literally had 400 ping
22:48:00Debbie Detpacksall game
22:48:08KiNGz . homie'400 ping only went for airshots
22:48:10KiNGz . homie'all game
22:48:12squeek.flag tossed [ Yard ]
22:48:16SPC.fdagot em too
22:48:24KiNGz . homie'almost stopped somethign water
22:48:25KiNGz . homie'almost
22:48:36SPC.fdastill tying you in kills or
22:48:48KiNGz . homie'clearly the best
22:48:59SPC.fdabetter than u dummy
22:49:06KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooonly will change map if its startec
22:49:44squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
22:50:44SPC.fdahomie with da big 15 burger
22:50:48Debbie DetpacksNOT ON MY WATCH 49 59
22:50:50KiNGz . SaranghaeyoooooooooooooThat's rodoxulous 90 100
22:51:01GarytheWhaleare we done here
22:51:02KiNGz . homie'we done yet?
22:51:19KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooou are the admin
22:51:20squeek.flag tossed [ Yard ]
22:51:31Masked_Magiciannew map?
22:51:53GarytheWhalei mean homies kinda just running around shooting me and pat
22:51:59KiNGz . homie'What a joke 1 :: 8
22:52:21GarytheWhaleyou guys wanna do a different map
22:52:32KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooow/e
22:52:35GarytheWhaleyour call
22:52:37Debbie Detpacksidc either way
22:52:39Debbie Detpacksim down
22:52:40Masked_Magicianlet;s do monkey
22:52:44Debbie Detpacksnope
22:52:46GarytheWhaleh8 monkey
22:52:49SPC.fdanot monkey
22:52:52Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cakee ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ spoonlololol
22:52:52Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Masked_Magician
22:52:53KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooostartec
22:53:02squeek.startec best map
22:53:03GarytheWhalesomething where shoop and ramp isn't a position together
22:53:10KiNGz . homie'l;ol
22:53:10squeek.aardvark or startec
22:53:14Raynianso not mort
22:53:14KiNGz . homie'pitfall
22:53:16Debbie Detpacksbleepbloop
22:53:18KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooooredgiant
22:53:19Raynianfuck pitfall holy shit
22:53:29KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooo4v4 ff_rooms
22:53:41squeek.asymmetrical maps are the best
22:53:52Rayniandefenders get to pick what side they defend on casbah
22:53:55Raynianthat should be a league
22:53:59Raynianasymmetric map league
22:54:05KiNGz . Saranghaeyoooooooooooook 2 maps
22:54:06KiNGz . Saranghaeyooooooooooooogogo
22:54:09squeek.pirates and cashbah only maps