Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
18:22:32champion hdzi changed the map for him and he doesnt show up lol
18:22:40cynicalhes joining
18:22:42cynicalslow ass pc
18:22:44cynical10 fps
18:22:46champion hdzooo
18:22:49champion hdzdumb
18:23:00Lyesss 20 fps lol
18:26:43Lso alggy
18:26:47L2001 dell rofl
18:27:14cynicalwhy u have that
18:27:18cynicaland didn't u play b4
18:27:20Ljust fucking around not at home
18:27:36L10-15 fps
18:27:39Lget 20 here tho
18:28:22Lgo scout
18:30:39Lyoiur flying from mid water to flag and back to batts in 1 frame render
18:31:43champion hdzBOYS RULE GIRLS DROOL 1 0
18:31:49champion hdzobviouslt wallhacking 100 200
18:31:51champion hdz(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
18:32:09champion hdzhi
18:32:15champion hdzsweet ping
18:32:26D.U.R.A.Nscout vs soldier mmmmm
18:32:33champion hdzmedic forever mmmm
18:32:59champion hdz4 eva eva 4 eva eva?
18:33:51D.U.R.A.Nscout is cool
18:34:09D.U.R.A.Nspeak spanis
18:35:09Lmy strafe lkeeps locking
18:35:12Land i have to hit it again
18:35:14Lto stop
18:35:19D.U.R.A.Njoin game
18:35:24champion hdz1965 keyboard?
18:35:32D.U.R.A.Njoin game all
18:35:33Llike 10 fps lol
18:35:34champion hdzlaptop?
18:35:41champion hdzlol
18:35:42Llike 512 ram
18:35:43cynicaldell 2001 pc i had for tfc 56k
18:35:55champion hdz1998 gateway i had for tfc with 56k
18:35:56D.U.R.A.Njoin game all yes or no
18:36:04champion hdz10 fps in tfc
18:36:05champion hdzlol
18:36:10D.U.R.A.Naaaaaa no hablo ingles pero lo intento
18:36:12champion hdzyes you can join the game
18:36:27D.U.R.A.Ntfc is ff
18:36:41D.U.R.A.Ntf2 in carton
18:37:28D.U.R.A.Njoin the game all
18:38:27Luisd this
18:38:29Lmy keys and mousr
18:38:35Land wont stop firing ort moving
18:40:13Llet me o
18:40:17Lframes to low to d
18:43:36Ligf o ly
18:43:39Li had like 10 more
18:43:47Lam i skipping to you
18:43:50Lor jhust on my end
18:44:16Lim like a sec behind
18:44:20Lwen i turn and hit walls
18:44:22cynicalu look smooth on my end
18:46:10cynicalgot a package
18:46:13cynicalgoin back to irc
20:02:59ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
20:05:15ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
20:08:20cynicalDetpack in 5
20:08:57THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss:(
20:09:01explosionastics dept.90-100 w00ps
20:09:03cynicalDetpack in 5
20:09:04THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssThat's rodoxulous 75 50
20:09:05champion hdzno longer ded 80 50
20:09:07champion hdzobviouslt wallhacking 100 200
20:09:08explosionastics dept.:M
20:09:15THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssstill p ded 75 50
20:09:19Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ cynical
20:09:19Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n_ ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Gary`away
20:09:21SPC.fda<squeek.> Sure. 100 200
20:09:23THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
20:09:28champion hdzthats my bind for when people ask if its live
20:09:59SPC.fdabuilding collapse really fucked my ping
20:10:21cynicalDetpack in 5
20:10:24champion hdzMedic! 55|0
20:11:22champion hdz1v1 skybox now
20:11:40THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss37 39
20:11:44THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss0 39
20:12:18cynicalcan we start this plz
20:12:21THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0sssaranghaeyooooooooooooooooooooooooo
20:12:23champion hdz@teams
20:12:23Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ cynical
20:12:23Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n_ ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Gary`away
20:12:33THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssn0pe
20:12:37cynicalDetpack in 5