Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:42:48D. Rose'died around the wall
22:42:49D. Rose'awesome
22:43:36KiNGz . aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
22:43:40KiNGz . aleXtricu guys good?
22:43:53D. Rose'16 - 7
22:43:56GarytheWhalealways goo
22:43:56Console^Last round's score:^0 7 ^on^0 ff_phantom_r
22:44:02cakedoxdunno they only got 7 zlozl
22:44:03[PMS]BlinkyAutojump disabled!
22:44:04[PMS]BlinkyAutojump enabled!
22:44:13cakedoxid say theyre about average
22:44:28cakedoxoh good
22:44:34cakedox1st run flagroom buttrape
22:44:46THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssThat's rodoxulous 75 50
22:45:00GarytheWhaleMedic! [44.78]
22:45:15THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss4 26
22:45:18THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss1 26
22:45:47cakedoxuhhhh hellO? 1 0
22:45:55THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0sssaranghaeyooooooooooooooooooooooooo
22:46:11cakedoxok squeek
22:46:12GarytheWhaleMedic! [10.5]
22:46:15GarytheWhaleMedic! [10.5]
22:46:18cakedoxyou bust out that completely random double conc
22:47:57THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssopls do
22:47:57cakedoxyea!! LoLz!!
22:48:03GarytheWhaleMedic! [4.40]
22:48:14GarytheWhaleMedic! [4.40]
22:48:23cakedoxgood teamwork
22:48:30peeinmybutt tribute bandwhat
22:48:49GarytheWhaleMedic! [18.16]
22:49:02cakedoxuhhhh hellO? 1 0
22:49:14GarytheWhaleMedic! [10.3]
22:49:32KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 4 2
22:49:32KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 4 2
22:49:40cakedoxalway sdead when im dead this sucks 90 50
22:49:54why u so good beer
22:49:58THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss-8 22
22:50:26why u so good beer
22:50:29why u so good beer
22:51:11cakedoxuhhhh hellO? 1 0
22:51:19cakedoxuhhhh hellO? 1 0
22:51:32cakedoxDONT DO IT
22:51:47cakedoxthat mi9ght have been the most hilarious run ever
22:51:50THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssrofl
22:52:02cakedoxfuck up every single thing then walk out with flag
22:52:02THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssym,ight cue up some benny hill to that
22:53:09D. Rose'jesus
22:53:10D. Rose'short
22:53:12D. Rose'ele
22:53:13D. Rose'back
22:53:15D. Rose'wtf
22:53:15THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ssrofl
22:53:16D. Rose'are these coms
22:53:24KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 72 61
22:53:29cakedoxmedic spiral?
22:53:56cakedoxuhhhh hellO? 1 0
22:53:59peeinmybutt tribute bandI remember when Blx said that Vinny makes the jersey shore guys look like respectable citizens -9 18
22:54:18KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed -81 0
22:54:31peeinmybutt tribute bandSome nice dance moves yo -15 | 16
22:55:51KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 18 0
22:57:07KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed -5 0
22:57:41D. Rose'need 20 from sol
22:57:44D. Rose'bets?
22:57:57KiNGz . aleXtricLOL
22:58:05[PMS]Blinkyokay so
22:58:11[PMS]Blinkyhow does a full rail not kill a scout with an SG there
22:58:13THSMachine. RoyalMcSauceD'V0ss54 41
22:58:15[PMS]Blinkybut the backblast kills me
22:58:18[PMS]Blinkythanks squeek
22:58:20[PMS]Blinkynerfing engi
22:58:38GarytheWhalewhole team walked past medic in fr