Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:00:01beeeswhat's with the purple textures
21:00:05KiNGz . D. Rose'missing
21:00:09KiNGz . D. Rose'weren't ratpacked
21:00:17KiNGz . D. Rose'yes
21:00:35KiNGz . D. Rose'theme is bad
21:00:39KiNGz . D. Rose'winter ski resort
21:00:47beeeshas this ever been played in a pickup?
21:00:49KiNGz . D. Rose'no
21:00:56KiNGz . D. Rose'years ago
21:00:58KiNGz . D. Rose'prob
21:01:16KiNGz . D. Rose'!teams
21:01:16Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ homieinreeboks| ^0&^ ?
21:01:16Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oreo_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ rawDawg
21:01:29oatshomie do avd days
21:01:31oatsmake it happen
21:01:31beeesI know the entrances are really small
21:01:34KiNGz . D. Rose'ok
21:01:34beeesbut there's a ton of them
21:01:44beeesif anything it looks hard to defend
21:01:44oatswe should try it in this pickup
21:01:54beees5 openings
21:01:56KiNGz . D. Rose'have to ask if theyre intested
21:02:49beeesonly 3..
21:02:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ homieinreeboks| ^0&^ ?
21:02:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oreo_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ rawDawg
21:03:11oatshomie what AvD maps could work without many players?
21:03:17oatsnapoli and asti?
21:03:17KiNGz . D. Rose'asti
21:03:21KiNGz . D. Rose'uh
21:03:32KiNGz . D. Rose'ksour
21:03:38beeesksour great
21:03:40oatsi dont like ksour_classic
21:03:41KiNGz . D. Rose'neon redid luas
21:03:43oatsthe spawns are fucked
21:03:44oatsoh nice
21:03:47KiNGz . D. Rose'to change spawns
21:03:48beees4v4 not so much imo
21:03:48KiNGz . D. Rose'yes
21:03:51KiNGz . D. Rose'and add detpacks
21:03:55KiNGz . D. Rose'yes
21:03:58KiNGz . D. Rose'no icon
21:03:59KiNGz . D. Rose'bags fixed
21:04:01KiNGz . D. Rose'no nades for bags
21:04:04KiNGz . D. Rose'yeah
21:04:07KiNGz . D. Rose'he redid avd luas
21:04:13KiNGz . D. Rose'neon is making baconbowl
21:04:20ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
21:04:23KiNGz . D. Rose'!teams
21:04:23Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ homieinreeboks| ^0&^ hustleoj
21:04:23Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oreo_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ rawDawg
21:04:28beeeswho's the 8th anyway
21:04:31KiNGz . D. Rose'oaties
21:04:49KiNGz . D. Rose'neon has cp2 done
21:04:51KiNGz . D. Rose'of bacon
21:04:54ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
21:05:23oatswe should start doing only AvD
21:05:23beeesI don't like the yard in this map
21:05:48KiNGz . D. Rose'inc schtop pickup
21:06:09oatslets do an asti pickup
21:06:12oatsfor the funziez
21:06:13KiNGz . D. Rose'can try after
21:06:16KiNGz . D. Rose'doubt it will work
21:06:16beeeshow did that happen