Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:49:57KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed 75 50
21:50:09KiNGz . aleXtriccool jumppad
21:50:10oreocan we stop changin main servers lol
21:50:14KiNGz . aleXtricit says
21:50:16KiNGz . aleXtricwhat server
21:50:17KiNGz . aleXtricit is
21:50:18KiNGz . aleXtricon
21:50:22KiNGz . aleXtricread
21:50:24KiNGz . aleXtricwords
21:50:31oreothis gonna crash mid pickup again?
21:50:31Leadmineblack people
21:50:37rawDawgyo im subbing for whoever
21:50:38KiNGz . aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
21:50:47KiNGz . aleXtricsomeone needed a sub?
21:50:55rawDawgjust in case
21:50:58FDAlm needs a sub
21:51:02Leadmineno i dont
21:51:03KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
21:51:03Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cajke ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ leadmine ^0&^ WTF_
21:51:03Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo` ^0&^ oats ^0&^ nine`_
21:51:05FDAa building fell on him
21:51:06cl_interpocakebetting we'll lose at least one
21:51:10FDAstill in phys rehab
21:52:36KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
21:52:36Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cajke ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ leadmine ^0&^ WTF_
21:52:36Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo` ^0&^ oats ^0&^ nine`_
21:52:40KiNGz . aleXtricwhos WTF
21:52:46oreosome nig
21:52:53FDAidk badmin maybe you shoulda figured that out
21:53:00KiNGz . aleXtrichow would i figure it out
21:53:02KiNGz . aleXtricnerd
21:53:05FDAask him
21:53:15Leadminehe did lol
21:53:22FDAhe asked him then unheld
21:53:30FDAcoulda waited for an answer
21:53:40Leadminealex was getting antsy
21:53:42KiNGz . aleXtricwhat am i supposed to say OH UR ___ CANT PLAY
21:54:01KiNGz . aleXtricFlag tossed -12 16
21:54:16nineso did 2 lm's add
21:54:28Leadminewho is this faker
21:54:31WhenFFwillOuti had to download another update after sight
21:54:32cl_interpocake1 lm per team pls
21:54:38WhenFFwillOutand then game still needed update
21:54:40WhenFFwillOutim the real leadmine
21:54:44Leadmineno i am
21:54:54WhenFFwillOutonly i would know cake did escapes
21:54:56WhenFFwillOutwith me and trent
21:54:57WhenFFwillOutin tfc
21:54:59oreou can both be leadmine
21:55:02WhenFFwillOutfor hours
21:55:07WhenFFwillOutyears ago
21:55:13cl_interpocakepretty sure thats lm
21:55:19cl_interpocakehe thinks im a different person
21:55:20WhenFFwillOutlook at id
21:55:20oreoim ok with hating u both
21:55:26FDAother LM prolly oats
21:55:59oreocan we go? kthx
21:56:05oreogta dont play itself
21:56:18cl_interpocaketaking bets on when server will crash
21:56:25cl_interpocakegonna go with 5 min into r2
21:56:29oreomy bets half through 1 or 2
21:56:39Leadmineimo leadmine gets rekt rd1 and ddos
21:56:45Leadminethats my bet
21:56:55KiNGz . aleXtricok leadmine 1 is oats
21:56:56KiNGz . aleXtriclol
21:57:00KiNGz . aleXtric1 leadmine is leadmine
21:57:08oreoglad we found that out now go
21:57:09cl_interpocakeuhhhh hellO? 1 100
21:57:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cajke ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ leadmine ^0&^ WTF_
21:57:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo` ^0&^ oats ^0&^ nine`_
21:57:25KiNGz . aleXtric!teams
21:57:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cajke ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ leadmine ^0&^ WTF_
21:57:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo` ^0&^ oats ^0&^ nine`_
21:57:36KiNGz . aleXtricguess rawdawg subbing
21:57:37cl_interpocakeoatnut breadmine?
21:57:42rawDawgim in!
21:57:54KiNGz . aleXtricrawdawg vs FDA
21:57:55oreoneed dat raw weiner
21:58:08KiNGz . aleXtricthats fine
21:58:18KiNGz . aleXtricsomeone red
21:58:19KiNGz . aleXtricfda
21:58:20KiNGz . aleXtricred
21:58:20WhenFFwillOutlmao this laptop is 10 years old
21:58:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cajke ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ leadmine ^0&^ WTF_
21:58:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo` ^0&^ oats ^0&^ nine`_
21:58:34rawDawgwho is wtf
21:58:38KiNGz . aleXtricnoone
21:58:56rawDawgoats and nine
21:59:00KiNGz . aleXtricu get one
21:59:02KiNGz . aleXtriclol..
21:59:04FDAi guess you get two picks
21:59:05cl_interpocakep good captain
21:59:08Leadmineyou picked two
21:59:12Leadmineand one of them was the other capt
21:59:17cl_interpocakepick two one including the other capt
21:59:19rawDawgi thought FDA was capt
21:59:19KiNGz . aleXtricjesus christ
21:59:25cl_interpocakeworse than me
21:59:26KiNGz . aleXtriche doesnt listen
21:59:26Leadminehe can if he wants
21:59:29Leadminei just want to get this done
21:59:30KiNGz . aleXtricnever captained before
21:59:32KiNGz . aleXtricin his life
21:59:33rawDawgoats i guess
21:59:38Leadmineim out
21:59:38KiNGz . aleXtricoats is the red capt
21:59:39Leadminegg guys
21:59:45rawDawgok nine then
21:59:54cl_interpocakethis is actually kinda awesome
21:59:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ cajke ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ leadmine ^0&^ WTF_
21:59:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ oreo` ^0&^ oats ^0&^ nine`_
21:59:58Leadmineim not going to
22:00:16rawDawgcake cake cake
22:00:23Leadminei want LM
22:00:30Leadminefaggot dick ass
22:00:38Leadminelol @ him responding to that
22:00:42cl_interpocakeuh oh
22:01:00WhenFFwillOuti have 25-30 fps lmao
22:01:05KiNGz . aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
22:01:07WhenFFwillOut1999 dell studio
22:01:09rawDawgturn off friends
22:01:18Leadmineoreo if you want to hw i can engy
22:01:28WhenFFwillOutspeedo comand?
22:02:09cl_interpocakewer is ping coming form
22:03:38KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 33 38
22:06:12KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 73 96
22:06:39KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 22 47
22:06:51KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 72 120
22:08:25cl_interpocakeuhhhh hellO? -4 0
22:08:35KiNGz . aleXtricRESISTORS! CIRCUITS! FIREWORKS! 80 107
22:11:12KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 13 10
22:13:40KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 39 64
22:13:52KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 89 120
22:14:47Leadmineabout to get bag lol
22:14:52KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 38 46
22:15:04KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 88 120
22:15:16KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 15 11
22:15:21Leadminealex get hp
22:15:25KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 65 111
22:15:46cl_interpocakeam i being ddos'd?
22:16:00KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 18 45
22:16:25KiNGz . aleXtric(Disconnect by user.) 90 120