Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:35:59Features has left the gameh4x
21:36:03* ( > Peppas:)
21:37:54bbb. Neptunelol
21:38:17Bi-sexual-Featuresfeatures finally sucked sick and got admin
21:38:22Features has left the game..
21:38:36bbb. Neptunerofl
21:38:53Features has left the gamehe does realize it is our clan server
21:38:54Bi-sexual-Featuresstop kicking me
21:39:08* ( > Peppasstop being a fucking dipshit
21:39:13bbb. Neptunelol
21:39:16docta rawrspl0si0n.PhD1-0 here's my number, so call me maybe?
21:39:19Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 72 50
21:39:29Bi-sexual-Featuresk enough
21:39:30bbb. Neptunerofl
21:39:31docta rawrspl0si0n.PhD:o
21:39:33docta rawrspl0si0n.PhDh4x
21:39:33Bi-sexual-Featuresu win
21:39:33bbb. NeptuneLOL
21:39:46Bi-sexual-Featuresfeatures (:
21:39:55Bi-sexual-Featuresi like busting your balls
21:39:59Bi-sexual-Featuresu can't take it
21:40:05Features has left the gameno u just think im mad
21:40:14Features has left the gamebut really
21:40:15docta rawrspl0si0n.PhDumadbro
21:40:15Features has left the gameim furious
21:40:25Bi-sexual-Featuresit's all fun
21:40:51hadeZtheChampionwhat team am i on
21:41:03Features has left the gamehavent picked
21:41:09Features has left the gamegaytor and u werent in here
21:41:24Features has left the gameme vs docta?
21:41:26hadeZtheChampiongator is on mumble with me now
21:41:28hadeZtheChampionhe was dling it
21:41:33bbb. Neptunehdz vs gaytor
21:41:45Gator [milkwood]dont think my mic works
21:41:51Gator [milkwood]-.-
21:42:04Bi-sexual-Featuresdoes gator have his old skillz
21:42:08hadeZtheChampionprime blue
21:42:10Features has left the gameGATOR HADEZ prime and
21:42:10bbb. Neptunehes even better
21:42:10Bi-sexual-Featuresor is he rusty
21:42:11Features has left the gamemedman
21:42:12Features has left the gamevs
21:42:13Gator [milkwood]rusty
21:42:14Gator [milkwood]duh
21:42:21Features has left the gameprime blue
21:42:22bbb. Neptunegator is the man
21:42:31bbb. Neptune
21:42:31Features has left the gamedocta nep red
21:42:34Bi-sexual-Featuresgator/bio 1v1
21:42:39Features has left the gamepeppas red
21:42:41Bi-sexual-Featureswho would win
21:42:55Gator [milkwood]i gotta fix my mic not working -.-
21:42:56hadeZtheChampionuntil gator startes playing for a month
21:43:03Gator [milkwood]ill do it after the game
21:43:07Features has left the gameprime blue
21:43:11Features has left the gamepeppas red
21:43:21* ( > Peppasdont let him dictate you prime
21:43:33Features has left the game..
21:43:41bbb. Neptunethose teams are wrong
21:43:42hadeZtheChampionwhat happened
21:43:45Features has left the gamepeppas red
21:43:48hadeZtheChampionprime is blue
21:43:49Features has left the gamemedman blue
21:43:55Features has left the gameso hard to listen or?
21:43:57hadeZtheChampionmedman blue
21:44:01* ( > Peppasi cunt weed
21:44:14Bi-sexual-Featuresu cunt weed?
21:44:18* ( > Peppasyesh
21:44:41Features has left the gamefine
21:44:45Features has left the gamefucking spec u retards
21:44:49bbb. Neptunegonna get wreck
21:44:51hadeZtheChampionlets just do cpts
21:45:06hadeZtheChampioni pick gator
21:45:07* ( > Peppasbetter than fucking features telling people to be on a team
21:45:08docta rawrspl0si0n.PhDsigh
21:45:11Features has left the gamedocta and neptune
21:45:26Features has left the gamepeppas
21:45:36Bi-sexual-Featuresdid u get 24hour ban
21:45:40Bi-sexual-Featuresfor us tking
21:45:43Bi-sexual-Featureseach other
21:45:45Features has left the gamethis is how teams would of ended up either way
21:45:48Features has left the gamebut yeah..
21:45:56Gator [milkwood]lol
21:45:59Gator [milkwood]hope so
21:46:21Bi-sexual-Featuresthis is live?
21:46:24Features has left the game..
21:46:28Features has left the gameu retarded?
21:46:32Features has left the gamenvm i know the answer
21:46:34Bi-sexual-Featuressorry could u rs
21:47:06Bi-sexual-Featuresi didn't know if teams were final or not
21:47:33Gator [milkwood]we do
21:47:35Gator [milkwood]lo
21:47:43Gator [milkwood]r/s it
21:47:52Bi-sexual-Featuresgator was afk
21:47:56docta rawrspl0si0n.PhD...
21:48:11bbb. Neptunelololol
21:48:20bbb. Neptunelol
21:48:21* ( > PeppasFAIL ADMIN
21:48:21[SMP]2gudgguqqd*W*had to rs
21:48:28[SMP]2gudgguqqd*W*lagging now that we rs'ed so much
21:48:28hadeZtheChampionfail players
21:48:30hadeZtheChampionnot admin
21:50:48Gator [milkwood]sure
21:53:56Features has left the gameDropped Flag 100|300
21:54:12[SMP]2gudgguqqd*W*RaPeDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4 0
21:59:26Gator [milkwood]out
22:01:21Bi-sexual-Featuresget sec
22:01:25Bi-sexual-Featuresi will get gun
22:01:38Features has left the gameyep
22:02:43Gator [milkwood]scouyt
22:03:27Gator [milkwood]gg