Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:04:08bbb. Neptunestacked teams rofl
22:04:15bbb. Neptune2v4
22:04:35Prime-i have to leave after 4
22:04:40Features has left the gameNOPE
22:04:41bbb. Neptunei airshoted him a tleats 5 times
22:04:55Gator [milkwood]this mumble shit is annoying, how do i move the layout
22:04:57Features has left the game!transfer hadez
22:04:59Gator [milkwood]from blocking my kills
22:05:06Gator [milkwood]brb
22:05:13docta w00pspl0si0n.PhD!transferflag rock
22:05:18bbb. Neptuneinc autodet
22:06:01bbb. Neptunelol
22:06:07bbb. Neptuneautoing
22:06:38[SMP]2gudgguqqd*W*im lagging :X
22:06:44Features has left the gameno shit
22:06:47Features has left the gamethat was ur 2 caps
22:06:55Features has left the gameu lagging through dets
22:07:25[SMP]2gudgguqqd*W*RaPeDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 21 0
22:07:31hadeZtheChampionMedic! -25|0
22:08:32Gator [milkwood]lmao
22:09:22Gator [milkwood]build the sg in flagroom -.-
22:09:39Prime-i didn't see it
22:09:45Gator [milkwood]rofl
22:10:22Features has left the gameprime stop
22:10:26Features has left the gamebuilding in yard
22:10:42hadeZtheChampionoats would u like to sub
22:10:51Prime-could u sub
22:11:38Gator [milkwood]builds it next to my pipes lol
22:13:06Gator [milkwood]nope
22:15:19Gator [milkwood]water
22:16:21docta w00pspl0si0n.PhD38-39 here's my number, so call me maybe?
22:16:32hadeZtheChampionMedic! 100|200
22:17:39Console^Last round's score:^0 4 ^on^0 ff_schtop
22:17:55hadeZtheChampionMedic! 4|0
22:19:07bbb. Neptunerofl
22:20:19hadeZtheChampionwtf u guys doing
22:20:36hadeZtheChampionOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! -75 0
22:20:51bbb. Neptunerofl
22:21:05Gator [milkwood]ggz
22:21:48ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup