Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:43:22[SMP]oatsi said
16:43:31aleXtric has left the game^715 seconds left of prematch!
16:43:41[SMP]oatswatch out for the spy
16:45:43aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 71 50
16:46:43lopeflag tossed
16:49:43DraKoNaLthis should show how fucked these teams are if your fucking around like that with a disp alex
16:49:53aleXtric has left the gamenot fucking around'
16:49:55aleXtric has left the gamekilled u didnt i
16:51:37aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 26 4
16:53:29[SMP]oatsTeam 1: [SMP]probot & KingFagg0tHater & Trailer & Drakonal ] [ Team 2: hef & matt__ & Prime- & oats_
16:53:34aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 19 31
16:53:44aleXtric has left the game!teams
16:53:44Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ bigoj ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
16:53:44Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
16:53:44DraKoNaLteams fair
16:56:27aleXtric has left the game!score
16:56:27Console^Last round's score:^0 11 ^on^0 ff_PHantom_r
16:56:59aleXtric has left the game!teams
16:56:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ bigoj ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
16:56:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
16:57:18DraKoNaLalex you shouldn't have been first pick, secondly rdg is a better solider player then anyone in ff gives him credit for
16:57:30DraKoNaLso in that logic oats, alex, and rdg = unfair teams in this pickup
16:57:38aleXtric has left the gameits 11 - 6
16:57:40[SMP]oatsPOOR LOPE
16:57:41DraKoNaLgood job, next time wait for everyone to be present before u pick teams
16:57:43aleXtric has left the gamenot that bad
16:58:19aleXtric has left the gamewouldve been 11- 7 if wak didnt lag out
16:58:28aleXtric has left the gamenot even a bad game
16:58:28DraKoNaLnot good enough
16:58:34wak11-7 is hardly bad
16:58:34DraKoNaLthese teams were fucked and u know it
16:58:39[SMP]LeadMinealex stay
16:58:43aleXtric has left the gamegg