Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:50:14bbb. Neptuneleaving after 3
23:50:26Prime-HappyNewYearf steam id user ticket bullshit
23:50:29spoon has left the game<---- monster
23:50:31spoon has left the gamemedman
23:50:31{sfc}CaptainAhabyeah it blows :(
23:50:33spoon has left the gamelearnd it
23:50:43Bob[RNS]fucking epidemic
23:50:44{sfc}CaptainAhabI can switch again
23:50:46bbb. Neptuneprime go solly
23:50:46{sfc}CaptainAhabif it is necessary
23:50:55bbb. Neptuneor night
23:50:56Prime-HappyNewYeari suck as soldier but ok
23:50:58{sfc}CaptainAhabhe is
23:51:05Bob[RNS]wanna do heavy then?
23:51:11{sfc}CaptainAhaboh well
23:51:11spoon has left the gamebob is better than most of them
23:51:18Bob[RNS]play front door and be annoying. You spawn right next to it.
23:51:19bbb. Neptunehf..rofl
23:51:19{sfc}CaptainAhabyeah bob plays quite well
23:51:19Prime-HappyNewYearit don't matter only got 2
23:51:38spoon has left the gameWHOS POS SERVER IS THIS
23:51:41spoon has left the gameROFLORLZOL
23:53:00bbb. Neptunewtf ng
23:53:02spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 70 - 48
23:53:34spoon has left the game?
23:54:06[SMP]probot*W*!needsub 1
23:54:06ConsoleSubstitute player request created
23:54:08[SMP]probot*W*im idle
23:54:33Prime-HappyNewYearlet's do a new one
23:55:24spoon has left the gamebtw fda
23:55:27spoon has left the gamepipes can kill shit
23:55:29spoon has left the gamefrom inside
23:55:31Prime-HappyNewYearcould we start a new one man
23:55:32spoon has left the gamecome to our fr
23:55:37Prime-HappyNewYearthis is over
23:55:41spoon has left the gamefda come to our fr
23:55:43[SMP]probot*W*This is GG
23:55:46[SMP]probot*W*calling it
23:55:49{sfc}CaptainAhabbleh. gg :/
23:55:51[SMP]probot*W*not enough players, plus its GG