Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:25:09montatti<3 the aesthetic to this map
20:25:53biohaZof course you call engi on this map
20:26:00Features the WallHacker via nepme?
20:26:00montatti1 0
20:26:03Features the WallHacker via nepim lagging fucker
20:26:05biohadeZsitting in the wrong server orr
20:26:18aleXtric has left the game!teams
20:26:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spytrain ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features
20:26:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ frizz ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ biohaZ
20:26:22biohaZTOOGOOD ? HUGHHH
20:26:24Features the WallHacker via nep<-- last pick kthanks
20:26:38Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spytrain ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features
20:26:38Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ frizz ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ biohaZ
20:26:48aleXtric has left the gameWHO ARE THE BLOODY CAPTAINS
20:27:01biohaZspy and vinny?
20:27:05montatti1 0
20:27:13Features the WallHacker via nepseem even
20:27:23aleXtric has left the game!teams
20:27:23Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spytrain ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features
20:27:23Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ frizz ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ biohaZ
20:27:35aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
20:27:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spytrain ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features
20:27:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ frizz ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ biohaZ
20:27:46aleXtric has left the game!teams
20:27:46Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spytrain ^0&^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features
20:27:46Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ frizz ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ biohaZ
20:27:55Features the WallHacker via nep<-- last pick kthanks
20:28:02aleXtric has left the gamejoey ian
20:28:22aleXtric has left the gamejizz
20:28:32Features the WallHacker via nep:(
20:28:36biohaZ90 100
20:28:36montatti80 50
20:28:37aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
20:28:45biohaZ90 100
20:29:13montattiso sick of demo
20:29:49montatti79 103
20:29:51biohadeZ(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
20:29:51biohaZ90 100
20:30:03montatti79 103
20:30:06biohaZ90 100
20:30:28montatti6 0
20:30:53montatti36 40
20:30:54biohadeZOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 75 50
20:31:15biohaZsuch a bad map
20:32:56montatti37 65
20:33:05* ( > Peppasguess everyone wants to be like bio
20:33:38biohaZwont kill the sg one time
20:34:34montatti12 5
20:34:54biohaZ-1 0
20:34:55montatti74 95
20:35:27biohadeZOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 72 50
20:35:36biohaZ90 100
20:35:55biohaZmaps gay
20:36:39biohaZ90 100
20:36:40montatti35 40
20:36:40biohaZ90 100
20:37:44montatti90 120
20:37:44biohadeZOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 75 50
20:37:56biohaZ68 47
20:37:59montatti76 99
20:38:15montatti90 120
20:38:15biohadeZOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 75 50
20:38:47montatti65 83
20:38:48biohadeZOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 75 50
20:38:52Features the WallHacker via nepwhat
20:38:58Features the WallHacker via nepso
20:40:08Features the WallHacker via neppayback
20:40:18* ( > Peppasowned by vinny
20:40:46biohaZ49 32
20:40:48biohadeZMedic! 24|28
20:41:24biohaZ90 100
20:41:24biohaZ90 100
20:41:34biohadeZOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 75 50
20:43:00biohaZ90 100
20:43:14biohaZ90 100
20:43:16montatti90 120
20:43:46biohaZ-2 0
20:43:47biohaZ90 100
20:44:24Features the WallHacker via nepraped
20:44:24biohaZ75 50
20:44:25biohaZ71 50
20:44:26biohaZ71 50
20:44:27biohaZ71 50