Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:21:53big cynical!score
16:21:53Console^Last round's score:^0 9 ^on^0 ff_schtop
16:22:10big 1we did ok
16:22:12big 1still room
16:22:32big cynicalya i wasn't doing much the first like 5 min
16:22:58teamcake. Megatron58 35
16:23:27ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 15 SECONDS!!
16:23:32big moonz4 spy
16:23:40big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Security Side
16:23:41big moonzHeal me!! [75 Health - 50 Armor]
16:24:31teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 46|85
16:25:31teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 42|73
16:26:05big moonzHeal me!! [60 Health - 46 Armor]
16:26:15teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 42|73
16:26:24teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 92|203
16:26:44teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 1|52
16:26:49teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 1|52
16:28:31big moonzat door
16:29:27big moonzcrap
16:29:33big moonzabove the door
16:30:08teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 56|26
16:30:09teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 56|26
16:30:37teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 8|0
16:32:25big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE #FF_LOCATION_RESPAWN
16:32:53teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 53|16
16:34:17teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 43|0
16:35:17teamcake. Megatron26 25
16:35:54big moonzwin ;/
16:35:58big ohjae!score
16:36:09big moonz9
16:36:25big moonzAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
16:36:49teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-Medic! 52|11
16:36:51big moonzAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:67 A:47]
16:38:13big ohjaemnz power
16:38:15big moonzme and oj can read eachothers mind
16:38:16big moonzlmao
16:38:34big 1gg
16:38:36big 1food
16:38:38teamcake. caegg
16:38:39big ohjaegg food
16:38:41big moonzgg