Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:22:20BOSS | Vinzonice
20:22:21BOSS | Vinzo11 now
20:22:22BOSS | Vinzo?
20:22:29big ohjaethx feat
20:22:33big ohjaei wanted that bad
20:22:35big ohjaeliked to spec
20:22:36big ohjaealot
20:22:39big ohjaewhen eating and stuff
20:22:49big ohjaedude
20:23:05BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:23:05Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ FDA
20:23:05Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Features ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Largos
20:23:10Tommy Tiramisucan't carry the whole team
20:23:12big ohjaemad cuz u bad
20:23:17big ohjaelol
20:23:20big ohjaespy rage up
20:23:32BOSS | Vinzo@teams
20:23:32Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ FDA
20:23:32Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Features ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Largos
20:23:34BOSS | Vinzostif
20:24:05BOSS | Vinzolets try 2 sol
20:24:08BOSS | Vinzodemo engi
20:24:09BOSS | Vinzowanna?
20:24:10Tommy Tiramisucan i sol
20:24:14Tommy Tiramisutop
20:24:14BOSS | Vinzono no
20:24:16BOSS | Vinzome and fda
20:24:18BOSS | Vinzou gotta demo
20:24:21BOSS | Vinzokeep this lock down
20:24:28Tommy Tiramisuget spy lol
20:24:28Featachustiffy red
20:24:58Tommy Tiramisutop sol was the most fun position ive ever played
20:25:00Tommy Tiramisuin ff
20:25:01Tommy Tiramisulol
20:25:10Tommy Tiramisurofl ask homie
20:25:20Tommy Tiramisuit's so much fun
20:25:23Tommy Tiramisui got nothing but airshots
20:25:26Tommy Tiramisutop last night
20:25:40Tommy Tiramisuya i dont care im just saying top sol was a fuckload of fun
20:25:49Tommy Tiramisuplay ramp sol if you want
20:25:56Tommy Tiramisubut top sol was fun as hell haa
20:28:32Largos^I like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^280 Health ^150 Armor
20:29:39Largos^^5WHOA! ^4Airshot!
20:29:44Tommy Tiramisu2gud [90.100]
20:30:12R^Prime-i am cloaked in there flagroom
20:30:17R^Prime-on relay
20:30:44FDABind. [56||48]
20:30:49BOSS | Vinzobing - 72 50
20:30:50Largos^This is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^280 Health ^150 Armor
20:31:42Largos^wrong bind
20:31:52frizz has left the game
20:32:05big ohjae
20:32:12frizz has left the game
20:32:24big ohjae
20:32:35frizz has left the game
20:32:45frizz has left the game
20:32:59big ohjae
20:33:05big ohjae
20:33:06frizz has left the game
20:33:16big ohjae
20:33:18BOSS | Vinzobing - 60 48
20:33:19big ohjae
20:33:36frizz has left the game
20:33:46big ohjae
20:33:47frizz has left the game
20:34:00frizz has left the game
20:34:11big ohjae
20:34:57Largos^I like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^237 Health ^115 Armor
20:35:00Tommy Tiramisu2gud [90.100]
20:35:00Tommy Tiramisu2gud [90.100]
20:35:19big ohjaethis map is epic
20:35:23BOSS | Vinzobing - 75 50
20:35:29big ohjaeespecially in free look mode
20:36:21Largos^lagh afufufkckc
20:36:23Tommy Tiramisuwhole clip
20:36:25Tommy Tiramisuof nails
20:36:27Tommy Tiramisudispenser lives
20:36:41big ohjaenice toss
20:39:24Largos^This is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^21 Health ^150 Armor
20:41:54BOSS | Vinzogg