Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:50:59Featachuonly cloud is allowed in gae
21:51:04Cloud has left the gameexclusive guild
21:51:05Cloud has left the gameWATCH IT EXO AND I USED TO ROLL TOGETHER 100 200
21:51:10Cloud has left the gameinvite only
21:51:12Featachulol :o
21:51:23Featachu4v1 openfire 15 mins no caps
21:51:25aleXtric has left the gamecloud best at being the worst in the game
21:51:41Cloud has left the gamebest at making alex totally jealous
21:51:43aleXtric has left the gameBENS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD
21:51:48aleXtric has left the gameBEN SO MAD
21:51:53Cloud has left the gameoh man
21:51:55Cloud has left the gamebe more jealous
21:51:57Featachunew clan
21:51:58Featachuben is bad
21:52:22Featachuben is bad
21:52:28Cloud has left the gamehadn't figured that one out
21:52:39Tommy Tiramisushh its a secret
21:52:39aleXtric has left the gameben smartest player in FF
21:52:43Cloud has left the gameeasily
21:52:47aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 59 50
21:52:55aleXtric has left the game!teams
21:52:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ Cloud1
21:52:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ frizz ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ essen
21:53:07Featachuwaiting for the euro
21:53:08Tommy Tiramisutessen
21:53:16aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 52 50
21:53:16aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 52 50
21:53:18aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 52 50
21:53:18aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 52 50
21:53:20aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 52 50
21:53:20aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 52 50
21:53:21aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 52 50
21:53:42aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
21:53:45aleXtric has left the gameadmin essen u coming?
21:53:50Tommy Tiramisuhes updating source
21:53:52Tommy Tiramisuor somethign
21:54:00BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedi vote
21:54:04BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokeddick van winkl;e
21:54:19BOSS | Vinzoim here
21:54:24BOSS | Vinzohe said to sub
21:54:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ Cloud1
21:54:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ frizz ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ essen
21:54:28BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedgood thing
21:54:41aleXtric has left the game!teams
21:54:41Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ Cloud1
21:54:41Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ frizz ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ essen
21:55:10BOSS | Vinzoman
21:55:14BOSS | Vinzoim done being blue today i think
21:55:16Tommy Tiramisuthey all went spec
21:55:18BOSS | Vinzosomeone else can blue and red
21:55:18aleXtric has left the gameBOSS blue
21:55:19Tommy Tiramisuwhat just happened
21:55:22Tommy Tiramisuvinny call sab
21:55:23aleXtric has left the gamerq red?
21:55:25BOSS | Vinzohaha
21:55:26Tommy Tiramisulewl
21:55:28BOSS | Vinzohes smashed
21:55:34BOSS | Vinzobuto k
21:55:36BOSS | Vinzobut ok
21:55:38Featachubreak dancing sab
21:55:47aleXtric has left the game!teams
21:55:47Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ Cloud1
21:55:47Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ frizz ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ essen
21:55:50BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedsab isnt in the game?
21:55:52Tommy Tiramisucan we get stiffy
21:55:53BOSS | Vinzono
21:55:54BOSS | Vinzohes not
21:55:55Tommy Tiramisucan we get spy
21:55:55aleXtric has left the gameyea
21:55:58Tommy Tiramisucan red get frizz
21:56:02Tommy Tiramisuor could
21:56:02BOSS | Vinzoobv we get spy
21:56:03aleXtric has left the gameya
21:56:06BOSS | Vinzofrizz is on thier team
21:56:13Tommy Tiramisuthey are all in spec
21:56:13Featachucloud is bad
21:56:16Tommy Tiramisui dunno
21:56:18Tommy Tiramisuwhat they are doing
21:56:19Cloud has left the gamei am bad
21:56:26aleXtric has left the gamecloud red
21:56:30Featachuseriously easy win
21:56:31Featachuim demo
21:56:36Cloud has left the gamebest spec in the game tbh
21:56:37BOSS | Vinzona u will win
21:56:38BOSS | Vinzobut its ok
21:56:53aleXtric has left the gamecloud is scout ez win for u
21:56:56Tommy Tiramisucan we start or
21:56:57BOSS|BrbMyMouseBroked1 MIN ON CLOCK PLZ TY
21:57:01Featachuwaiting for spy
21:57:06BOSS|BrbMyMouseBroked1 MIN
21:57:13aleXtric has left the gamePrematch ends in 45 seconds
21:57:51BOSS|BrbMyMouseBroked30 MORE?
21:58:00aleXtric has left the gameur such a fag stiff
21:58:47BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedim here
21:58:50BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedmics not on christ