Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat - essen!teams
22:37:58Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:37:58Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:40:37aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
22:41:23aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 71 50
22:41:34aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
22:41:39BOSS | Vinzo@teams
22:41:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:41:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:41:40aleXtric has left the game!TEAMS
22:41:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:41:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:41:49BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedteams picked?
22:41:49Features has left the gamethese teams?
22:41:54BOSS | Vinzo@teams
22:41:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:41:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:42:08BOSS | Vinzo@teams
22:42:08Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:42:08Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:42:09aleXtric has left the game!teams
22:42:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:42:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:42:15BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedgonna vote 0r?
22:42:16BOSS | Vinzotrade stiffy for cloud and im game
22:42:23aleXtric has left the game!teams
22:42:23Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:42:23Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:42:29Features has left the gameok
22:42:38aleXtric has left the game!teams
22:42:38Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:42:38Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:42:39aleXtric has left the gamewhat teams
22:42:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ essen
22:42:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ Cloud1 ^0&^ SDD ^0&^ spyingonyobish
22:42:56aleXtric has left the gamecloud blue
22:43:00BOSS | Vinzostif red
22:43:01BOSS | Vinzocloud blue
22:43:05BOSS | Vinzospy red
22:43:07aleXtric has left the gamespy red
22:43:14BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokeddo 45 sec pm pleasE?
22:43:16aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
22:43:19BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedor that
22:43:26aleXtric has left the gamedont talk just do
22:43:28Features has left the gamecloud blue
22:43:52SDi cant demo
22:44:03SDmy soldier is ok
22:45:33aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 9 0
22:46:38aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -80 0
22:47:12aleXtric has left the gamecan we hit shottys
22:47:13aleXtric has left the gameor
22:47:32aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 39 22
22:51:02aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 51 44
22:52:22Features has left the gamewow
22:55:19aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 46 24
22:55:55aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 65 80
22:57:45aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -27 0
22:59:00aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 51 42
22:59:17Features has left the gamei swear
22:59:18aleXtric has left the gamegg
22:59:19Features has left the gamemy worst luck ever