Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:46:53MafiaMan^HeLLcan i be on fda's team
21:47:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ vinnytheboss
21:47:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ Sabbath
21:47:45MafiaMan^HeLLadmin stiffy..
21:47:53BOSS | Sabbathhes rs his modem
21:48:10MafiaMan^HeLLcan he just accept the lag
21:48:12MafiaMan^HeLLlike all of us do
21:48:54MafiaMan^HeLLHEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [1.23]
21:48:55BOSS | SabbathWTF
21:48:59BOSS | Vinzo@teams
21:48:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ vinnytheboss
21:48:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ Sabbath
21:49:46Large^Gooooooooseoh hi
21:50:13^.^spec and pick teams while we wait for stiffy to rs?
21:50:31^.^me vs joey t again?
21:50:34BOSS | Vinzosure
21:50:35cynical^HeLLsome ppl have to work in the am
21:50:42MafiaMan^HeLLits only 11
21:50:48BOSS | Vinzo@teams
21:50:48Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ vinnytheboss
21:50:48Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ Sabbath
21:50:52BOSS | Vinzosab blue
21:50:53cynical^HeLLi need at least 6 hours
21:51:00^.^gary and cyn
21:51:00MafiaMan^HeLLhow early do you have work
21:51:03BOSS | Vinzo@teams
21:51:03Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ vinnytheboss
21:51:03Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ Sabbath
21:51:10BOSS | Sabbathyea nigga can u read
21:51:12BOSS | Sabbathfuck
21:51:15BOSS | Vinzo@teams
21:51:15Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ vinnytheboss
21:51:15Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ TOOLAZY ^0&^ Sabbath
21:51:39BOSS | Vinzostiffy
21:51:50MafiaMan^HeLLmike mercielago
21:51:55MafiaMan^HeLLvroom vroom mother fucker.
21:51:57BOSS | Sabbathhello made up middle name
21:52:40MafiaMan^HeLLdont care
21:52:44MafiaMan^HeLLi can soldier top vs anyone that isn't neon
21:53:17MafiaMan^HeLLstiffy restarting his 56k?
21:53:30MafiaMan^HeLLi have coheed on -.-
21:53:53MafiaMan^HeLLi like them alot
21:54:04MafiaMan^HeLLlargos aren't you like 40
21:54:25cynical^HeLLim 26 no kid
21:54:32Large^Goooooooose42 no kid
21:54:40MafiaMan^HeLLi just turned 26 3 days ago lol
21:55:00MafiaMan^HeLLhow old is she
21:55:12MafiaMan^HeLLso shes doing some old fuck
21:55:17MafiaMan^HeLLno comment.
21:55:20cynical^HeLLdam bro
21:55:28TOOLAZYi do than when i can
21:55:40BOSS | Sabbathgod i fucking hate stiffy
21:55:44MafiaMan^HeLLwelcome to ff
21:55:46BOSS | Vinzosame
21:55:47TOOLAZYi always try my best
21:55:49BOSS | Vinzoit gets old
21:55:51cynical^HeLLwalkin his dog?
21:55:54MafiaMan^HeLLcaitlyn is probably gonna play this round
21:55:57BOSS | Vinzohe was restarting his comp
21:56:00BOSS | Sabbathi wish
21:56:01BOSS | Vinzohe said 1 min
21:56:06cynical^HeLLmy shit takes 5 sec to restart
21:56:08BOSS | Vinzobut clearly when he calls me via cellphone
21:56:11BOSS | Vinzoand says 1 min
21:56:11BOSS | Sabbathid let her play with my soldier
21:56:11MafiaMan^HeLLstiffy runs on nigger time dude
21:56:12BOSS | Vinzoclearly that means
21:56:15BOSS | Vinzorofl
21:56:16BOSS | Vinzonigger time
21:56:16Large^Goooooooose12 mins
21:56:17BOSS | Vinzoso true
21:56:17^.^isnt caitlyn some girl he picked up selling drugs to
21:56:18MafiaMan^HeLL1 minute is 15 minutes
21:56:21BOSS | Sabbathhe runs on drug dealer time
21:56:25BOSS | Vinzoexactly
21:56:25Large^Goooooooosefuck that
21:56:30Large^GooooooooseI'm a drug dealer and I'm on time
21:56:37Large^Goooooooosedeliver on time, and they come back for mer
21:56:39BOSS | Sabbathshut up hippy
21:56:40cynical^HeLLdidn't u gu ys wait for stiffy for like 20 min a few pickups ago?
21:56:45MafiaMan^HeLLmat says he makes a fuckload of money
21:56:48BOSS | Sabbathno one cares about ur hemp u sell to ur parents
21:56:49MafiaMan^HeLLselling weed
21:57:02MafiaMan^HeLLmy friend does that
21:57:25MafiaMan^HeLLhow longs it take to grow that
21:57:36BOSS | Sabbathsub him
21:57:40BOSS | Vinzo!needsub 1
21:57:40ConsoleSubstitute player request created
21:57:41BOSS | Sabbath!needsub 1
21:57:41ConsoleSubstitute player request created
21:57:41MafiaMan^HeLL!needsub 1
21:57:41ConsoleSubstitute player request created
21:57:43BOSS | Vinzorofl
21:57:44BOSS | Sabbathrofl
21:58:00cynical^HeLLmy brain is zoned out, needs to start soon
21:58:14BOSS | Sabbathgoing cynicals way every run
21:58:24cynical^HeLLwat that mean
21:58:31BOSS | Sabbathmeans im going ur way every run?
21:58:36cynical^HeLLo lol
21:59:24MafiaMan^HeLLhoping fda would have subbed
21:59:25BOSS | Sabbathban stiffy when he joins
21:59:29BOSS | Vinzoi will
21:59:30BOSS | Vinzooh
21:59:31BOSS | Vinzonm
21:59:51TOOLAZYdoesnt that name look good
22:00:03Large^GooooooooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^22 Health ^122 Armor
22:00:05MafiaMan^HeLLi have coffee every morning
22:00:06TOOLAZYNO 50 80
22:00:10TOOLAZYNO 50 80
22:00:20cynical^HeLLi juice vegetables and drink that
22:00:35BOSS | Sabbathsure
22:00:43BOSS | Vinzo!cancelsub
22:00:43ConsoleSubstitute player request cancelled
22:00:48BOSS | Sabbath!cancelsub
22:00:48ConsoleNo substitute player request in progress
22:00:50cynical^HeLLbeet,apple,cucumber, natural energy drink
22:04:29zexel?TOSSED ^2[^433^5 | ^318^2] @
22:05:01MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [18.0]
22:05:20zexel?TOSSED ^2[^417^5 | ^30^2] @
22:05:47zexel?TOSSED ^2[^434^5 | ^326^2] @
22:05:53LKLeftBOSS4God| PocketJesusi
22:05:56LKLeftBOSS4God| PocketJesus
22:06:12zexel?TOSSED ^2[^418^5 | ^348^2] @
22:08:02LKLeftBOSS4God| PocketJesus
22:08:03zexel?TOSSED ^2[^463^5 | ^368^2] @
22:08:11MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [65.23]
22:10:49Large^GooooooooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^266 Health ^150 Armor
22:10:49BOSS | SabbathBLUE CAN'T CAP 75 50
22:12:02Large^GooooooooseI don't always spam binds. But when I do, I prefer this one. ^213 Health ^10 Armor
22:12:06TOOLAZYNO 100 90
22:12:20Large^GooooooooseSAB HOW YOU DO THAT?
22:13:19BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 75 - 50
22:13:20BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 75 - 50
22:14:22Large^GooooooooseThis is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^280 Health ^150 Armor
22:15:57BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT -14 - 13