Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:42:41( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Lt. Alyssa-are we just gonna do 1 round?
20:42:48oj1 PLZ
20:43:11spoon^HeLLno pw
20:43:26Features-well the ugc admins need to make cfg's correctly
20:43:27Features-not my fault
20:43:55ojwhat a BIG BLOCK - FEEL OJ POWER - BIG MAC
20:47:15ojwhat a BIG BLOCK - FEEL OJ POWER - BIG MAC
20:52:50ojwhat a BIG BLOCK - FEEL OJ POWER - BIG MAC
20:52:53spoon^HeLLno mm1 plz
20:53:02Features-Some nice dance moves yo -97 | 0
20:54:18hadeZtheChampion^HeLL-de-watch yourself features
20:54:19( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Lt. Alyssa-6aw5
20:59:26-S- onEGG