Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:31:37SPC.fdadumbest map
20:31:47GarytheFailcan't wait to nade the fuck out of you
20:31:54Sskillest map
20:32:10cakedoxyea!! LoLz!!
20:32:18KiNGz . aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
20:32:19DraKoNaLthias map is kinda lame
20:32:19KiNGz . aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
20:32:20SPC.fdathat's all that happens, you walk out of spawn into a fucking sea of grenades while the offense is chain running caps
20:32:26DraKoNaLlets revote between this and cath imo
20:32:27Oreoquit bitchin
20:32:39Splay catherine
20:32:50rodoxplaying yard HW
20:32:56DraKoNaLall in favor of cath type 2
20:32:56Splaying yard demo
20:33:01GarytheFailrodox red or blue
20:33:12rodoxi think i was blue last time
20:33:17Syou werent
20:33:22GarytheFaili was , picked sab
20:33:24rodoxoh yea
20:33:27rodoxill blue then
20:33:34Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ cake`storesoon ^0&^ Gary
20:33:34Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Drakonal ^0&^ oreo_ ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Sabbath
20:33:56GarytheFailsabbert and alexis
20:34:28Sthakn god different teams
20:34:59DraKoNaLFlag Toss 19|4
20:35:10KiNGz . aleXtricstay out of red base
20:35:16KiNGz . aleXtrictil pm over
20:35:17cakedoxyea!! LoLz!!
20:35:18rodoxeveryone go pyro plz for bags
20:35:21Sno mm1
20:36:11KiNGz . aleXtricNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 42 0
20:37:01GarytheFailMedic! [42.73]
20:37:17DraKoNaLFlag Toss -33|0
20:37:23GarytheFailMedic! [30.28]
20:38:20GarytheFailMedic! [51.110]
20:39:27DraKoNaLFlag Toss 28|15
20:40:45DraKoNaLFlag Toss 43|30
20:41:03GarytheFailMedic! [27.15]
20:42:08DraKoNaLFlag Toss -46|0
20:42:46GarytheFailMedic! [43.74]
20:43:06DraKoNaLFlag Toss 34|19
20:45:43cakedoxyea!! LoLz!!
20:46:16DraKoNaLFlag Toss 55|48
20:47:14GarytheFailMedic! [34.0]
20:47:32DraKoNaLFlag Toss 24|4